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OP Cleaning

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PadMan View Drop Down
Dr. Low Moisture
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    Posted: 15/March/2004 at 10:06am

Many here obviously have never used or even heard of OP cleaning.

OP is quite a bit different than Rotary Bonnet.

#1. The agitation of OP is much more and higher than rotary.

#2. Depth of cleaning is better because of the orbit of the cotton terri pad moving over the carpet and down into it.

#3. Cotton pads absorb more soil and because cotton terri has so many more contact points to the carpet it cleans better.

#4. While this is not about "which" method is BEST or better, fact is many OLD TIME cleaners as well as relative newbies have gone to OP cleaning and sold, YES sold thier TM's and replaced them with OP machines.

$5. In this day of "instant this and instant that" many people prefer VLM (Very Low Moisture) cleaning because of CUSTOMER EASE, we can clean and be out of the house in little time and the carpets are basically dry when we leave.

#6. Another benefit "to the customer" is the need for LESS cleanings, OP cleaning will cause the carpets to have to be cleaned LESS often.

#7. Our country club here in Lexington, Ky. had been having their carpets cleaned every TWO WEEKS for 14 weeks, simply because the carpets would look bad after that short amount of time. They had gone through 6 of the local cleaners and still could not get the carpets to stay clean. We did the job and then started a 3 MONTH maintenance program, and because the carpets stayed so clean they them moved it to every 4 months. We have been cleaning there now for 7 years or so.

If anyone thinks the previous cleaners were simply fly by nights or that they didn't know what they were doing, I must disagree, one of the cleaning companies was Joey Picketts company. Most of you know who he is.

Here are some OP pictures that I have taken of jobs I have done http://ccsop.com/gallery/album01 this is NOT surface cleaning at all and it you study what the results, you can see that.

BTW, OP is a great pile lifter as well, the orbital actions makes it dig deep.

Ok, Nightrider, come on back and call me a liar!


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MR. STEAMER View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote MR. STEAMER Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 15/March/2004 at 2:27pm

Op, Bonnet...doesn't really clean...most of the chemicals used are loaded with optical brighteners...it's a surface clean....it may look clean...but just do ONE swipe with your wand and you'll see....dirt will come up from deep down in the fiber....

Nothing against it...I use it cuz sometimes it's the only thing that will make the carpet look clean(which is important to the customer)

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote nightrider Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 15/March/2004 at 3:02pm

Hey PadMan, How are you today. Sir  7 very well taken points, without pics I would have had a nasty comment for all 7 ( Guaranteed ). My father used to say that( " Even a pig can be made to look good in a picture " ) But that was my father and cameras back then were not like those of today......I say a picture is worth a 1000 words. I'm impressed PadMan.....very impressed...not sure why but I would love to have a machine like that if it truely gives those results. I do have some questions though. 1) That place was real dirty, how long did it take you to clean, and how many sq. ft were there( 2) what was the cost of chemical used to clean (3) How many pads you went through and are they reusable (4) That place looks like it wasn't cleaned for years, and what is that place. I have to admit after seeing those pics, you do good work, super job, I can see how you can convert many a person using those pics. I will look further into it and have already called Ted at Kleenkuip and left a message.....he was on the other line and had his feet up on the desk..........another loooong conversation. He must be trying to sell a truckmount.

   Jack        NIGHTRIDER

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Dr. Low Moisture
Dr. Low Moisture


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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote PadMan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 15/March/2004 at 3:06pm

Mr. Steamer, you need to get a few facts straight before making those types of claims.


Fisrt bonnet and pad are NOT the same method, especially using OP as opposed to rotary.

Second, NO OPTICAL brighteners, second the chemical is listing at the top of the EPA preferred chemicals for cleaning. 98% homegrown plant products, 100% bio-based. NO RESIDUE, and here is a challenge for you.


Clean the BEST you can with HWE and then wipe with a damp cotton towel, it will be dirty, why?


Clean and rinse and clean and rinse a carpet several times and then follow with an OP and cotton pads, your pads will be dirty. Clean it the BEST you can, and then tell me where the soil will be coming from... the top or the bottom?

If from the top, then your hwe rinse job simply did a lousey job, if from the bottom then your HWE job is not all you crack it up to be.


Don't believe me, TEST FOR YOURSELF, then imagine a machine that orbits the fibers driving the pad deep into the fibers, NOT a rotary that operates and runs on to the fibers.


Oh, if you say you clean and then the pad is clean after you use it, well, this may be hard to swallow but THEN you would have to be A. a liar, or B the FIRST to ever get that result.

Converting HWE customer to VLM customers for 30 Years!
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Dr. Low Moisture
Dr. Low Moisture


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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote PadMan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 15/March/2004 at 3:14pm

Thank you NightRider, I KNEW we could talk about this..LOL

The pics are from several diferent jobs, one thing that many do not understand is that it doesn't take a LOT of more time for dirty and lightly soiled but it does take more pads..

For example, we just finished 118,000 square foot government building, pics here: http://ccsop.com/gallery/album22 and that was one of the SLOWEST jobs we have had to do in a while. It was all Miliken carpet tiles, mostly 16 years old. Much of it hasn't been cleaned in many years. There was SO much soil that it took us 5 people 8 hours a day for 5 1/2 days. We used 320 pads a day! That was by FAR the worst we have had to deal with in pad washing in my 30 years of this.

Usually a typical 4-5 hour day for one person doing approx 400-600 dollars worth of cleaning takes about 40-50 pads, or THREE wash loads.

Those pics of the pee job in Midway on my first link, it took 25 pads to clean that house, yes, even with that much soil and urine, but the pads were HEAVY with soil. That is the advantage of 100% cotton terri, most don't understand just how much they will hold.


I hope to come to Toronto later this year, and will be showing off the method, but I  "always" ask that the guys take us to THIER problem jobs, so it is on their turf on their real world carpet problems, NO SETUPS or trickiy anyone.

If you are anywhere near there, I would love to demo for you.


Lee S., you got some nasty carpet we could clean somewhere?

Converting HWE customer to VLM customers for 30 Years!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote nightrider Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 15/March/2004 at 4:53pm

Tell me PadMan, where abouts are you in the States, I'll go and see you for a demo, Is that your phone number on that truck. I'll call you. Tonight. By the way that is one hell of a beautiful truck.....I want one. The pic of 50 man hours of pad, there are stainless steel  canisters to the left of the pic.......what are those. Another question, how many sq.ft can an operator do in an hour taken into consideration user fatique. I am truely impressed PadMan, I don't regret any and all the other nasty posting I made towards you in the various topics, because most of it was all in fun and I thought it just made interesting reading for others and a little shock treatment to get others to voice an opinion. WHAT I DO REGRET IS NOT KEEPING AN OPEN MIND AS TO NEW AND OR OTHER METHODS OF CLEANING CARPET, MY PAST EDUCATIONAL TRAINING BOTH IN THE SCIENCES AND THEOLOGY FAILED ME WHEN I WROTE THOSE COMMENTS.

              JACK                NIGHTRIDER     where The Padman is quickly becoming every HWE cleaners nightmare..........hide all your customers.........he's comming to a city near you.

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PadMan View Drop Down
Dr. Low Moisture
Dr. Low Moisture


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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote PadMan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 15/March/2004 at 5:45pm

Lol NightRider, I am in Versailles, Kentucky just outside Lexington. You are more than welcome to come visit anytime. Yes 859-873-0273 is the number and I gotta tell ya, that Sprinter van is the best buy I have made! 20-26 miles to the gallon and rides smoother than our car.


Those stainless steel canisters are Pepsi canisters, they are 5 gallon, I put three gallons of prespray in them and hit it with the air compressor and I never have to pump.. 29 years of pumping and my shoulder was wearing out, now just spray and go!

8 Hours of HARD cleaning is a good day, however, we usually like to clean 4-5 hours a day and just make sure we make good while we are doing it.

Square footage of course varies by amount of soil and type of carpet, but normal residential is 300-600 per hour, now that includes getting there, setting up and leaving. Time only cleaning, 600-900 residential and 700-1200 commercial. BUT some jobs will also be slower some faster.

No problem NightRider, I NEVER take things personally, plus let's be honest, we ALL think we do the best job, that is natural for any of us who love what we do.

I hope you will still have a few nasties to throw at me in the future, otherwise I might feel unloved...

Converting HWE customer to VLM customers for 30 Years!
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greg View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote greg Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 15/March/2004 at 8:04pm

padman what is the difference between bonnet and op. i bonnet clean and i use pads, and it sounds like i go through as many in a day....just wondering.

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MR. STEAMER View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote MR. STEAMER Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 15/March/2004 at 8:45pm

Same stuff...same principle...looks like a cow...moo's like a cow...


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The Great Hardini
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote carpetologist Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 15/March/2004 at 8:55pm
Good work Pad Man looks like you converted Jack to OP cleaning. He may want to sell that big truck mount back to me, and thats A GOOD THING as I have someone that would pay three times what it is worth. Hurry up and get this transaction over quick.
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MR. STEAMER View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote MR. STEAMER Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 15/March/2004 at 9:07pm
Jack a pad man....lol
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PadMan View Drop Down
Dr. Low Moisture
Dr. Low Moisture


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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote PadMan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 15/March/2004 at 9:28pm
Bonnets are thicker and do not clean DOWN into the carpet fibers, cotton terri pads do. Anyone who doesn't know the difference between bonnets and pads has NEVER seen pad cleaning.
Converting HWE customer to VLM customers for 30 Years!
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MR. STEAMER View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote MR. STEAMER Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 15/March/2004 at 9:32pm

Listen Padman I've seen done it been there.......tell me how it's different...Educate me...change my mind....

Tell me what I say is total foolishness

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MR. STEAMER View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote MR. STEAMER Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 15/March/2004 at 9:42pm

A coffee stain in a commercial carpet...why your OP works better because it's only removing the stain from the top...with very very little moisture

The reason why the hwe doesn't so a good job...it's because the stain has soaked down to the bottom....HWE will hit the stain but beacuse it's so wet it tends to wick up.....the drying time is soooooo much longer...

you remove that stain with your OP and a guarantee I'll can bring it right back with my hwe...why cuz you never really cleaned it...you just licked off the top where everyone can see....plus the drying time is way less with the OP so no chance of wicking up.....

But it ain't clean only soap and water can do that Padman...

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