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Printed From: Carpet Cleaning Forum
Category: Carpet Cleaners Discussion
Forum Name: Truck Mount Carpet Steam Cleaning Machines & Equipment
Forum Description: Discuss anything relating to truckmounts
Printed Date: 19/February/2025 at 10:20am
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Posted By: xenon
Date Posted: 22/March/2004 at 11:25pm

Hi, the name is Gord, run a small carpet and furnace cleaning service near Edmonton, Alberta.


I am running a 24 year old Aquatech system that is driven by hydraulics.

Is there anyone else out there running this machine?

Just looking for some input on this unit from others.


Thanks Gord

Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 23/March/2004 at 3:42pm

Hello Xenon,

I purchased an old Aquatech truck mount two years ago and put it into a newish very nice looking van. Bought it at an excellent price but put a fortune into it to bring it up to standards. I loved this unit but I guess it looked too good and was stolen from my lot.

My other Aquatech story is that in the 70's we had steam offs at conventions in Toronto to prove who had the best truckmount. The manufacturer from Edmonton came in to show off his new Western creation. We were all impressed by his automatic hydrolic hose reel. While he was standing at the back of the van someone pushed the engage button. The wheel spun and the end of the solution hose with the large quick coupler swung around and hit him in the head and knocked him out cold.

I think a few guys felt sorry for him and chose his mount over the rest. What a way to sell.


Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies

Posted By: xenon
Date Posted: 23/March/2004 at 3:57pm

I bought the unit for the price of $1.00 CDN including the van.

The van itself is a 1980 Ford E-250 with 1 ton rear springs and has only 68500 kms on it.

The unit was well stored with antifreeze in the lines so no damage occurred.  The unit has 397 original hours on it.

The unit was stored on blocks in a guys barn for 20 years!!

The only thing i have had to put into it was new high pressure hose (the 2" suction hose is still in like new condition) a new end cap for the heat exchanger (i blew it out in the winter) and a new coupling between the hydraulic motor and the blower.

All in total I have put in about $600.00 CDN.

So far I have made enough to pay for it 50 times over.

Oh and it still makes 204 degrees at the unit from a single huge heat exchanger.

Next step is to purchase a Prochem 4 jet wand



Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 23/March/2004 at 6:47pm

Aslong as you can service it'll make money

Posted By: nightrider.
Date Posted: 24/March/2004 at 4:34pm
I didn't think anything stored for so long could still get hot. I'm in my 50's and haven't been stored for a day in my life and I can't get hot

Posted By: xenon
Date Posted: 24/March/2004 at 4:58pm

Posted By: steamdragon
Date Posted: 24/March/2004 at 5:16pm

Ted it's time to have another steam off to prove who has

the best truckmount. I'll be there! Good way to promote.

Steamdragon the hotter the better.

Posted By: xenon
Date Posted: 24/March/2004 at 5:24pm

Where are you holding this "steam off" at ?

I am near Edmonton, Alberta

Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 25/March/2004 at 7:10am
You should look at the 4jet chem-spec wand on our site, it's a deal. It is also just like Pro chems.

Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies

Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 25/March/2004 at 7:13am
Steamdragon I would create another " Steam Off " but I'm afraid Pad Man may come and make us look bad.

Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies

Posted By: steamdragon
Date Posted: 25/March/2004 at 7:26am

At Ted's place in the parking lot. prizes will be given out for;

1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes for:  best looking truck, obstacle course (pulling a portable up steps with half a tank of dirty water), who can get this stain out fastest and best, a hose tug of war, relay races passing buckets of deodorizer, there will be a raffle for a portable.....and more

there will be demos of new tools and products, suppliers and more.  Of course there will be a big magic show featuring Ted Harding, magicain extraordinaire!   Best of all FREE FOOD!!!!!  All of Ted's merchandise will be on sale!  It will be a great day!

This will be a great way to meet everyone...The nightrider in his big, white truck, Mr. Steamer and all you guys and gals.  If you are interested in attending this great sounding day, please reply to this post.

date: tba

contact: Ted at KK for more info. 


Steamdragon the hotter the better.

Posted By: steamdragon
Date Posted: 25/March/2004 at 8:43am

It' s steam off time at Ted's!! All my sub. contractors are interested.

can't wait !                     East  vs WEST

                                        Cleanco vs Cleanmore

                                         slide-in vs pto 

                      IT"S  SHOW  TIME!!

Steamdragon the hotter the better.

Posted By: steamdragon
Date Posted: 25/March/2004 at 9:14am

Great promo Ted I'll bring my new Steam Dragon Truckmount to show all!!

Your going to need all your cashiers that day to get rid of lots of

inventory$$ Great day to meet your staff and other carpet cleaners

in Canada! Let the games begin!

Steamdragon the hotter the better.

Posted By: steamdragon
Date Posted: 25/March/2004 at 9:37am

Padman, bring your pads my Steam Dragon will put pads to rest

forever!! TRUCKMOUNTS vs PADS   Bring it on!

Nightrider vs Mr Steamer  

Looser goes home in shame

Steamdragon the hotter the better.

Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 25/March/2004 at 7:00pm


I'll bring the barbecue and prizes for the participants.!!

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 25/March/2004 at 7:31pm

I would love another steam off........that I'd pay to see....

Ted could promote his chemicals and auctions this time

I saw Ted cry.....let me just say the magic words

black 25th edition Ninja

Harry could do a leather demo...and nightrider could be comic relief

Posted By: steamdragon
Date Posted: 25/March/2004 at 9:45pm

Ted, so what's the date going to be??

Steamdragon the hotter the better.

Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 25/March/2004 at 10:04pm


Wow Mr. Steamer you sure have a good memory.     What year was that 1999 or 2000?

Harry can do a demo but night rider will be your straight man, you are more of a comic relief then any one that I have come across in this forum. 

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 26/March/2004 at 5:04pm

Well Adwa, thats the first time I ever saw Ted cry.....big old crocodile tears...

I couldn't believe those cheap bastards...they took poor Teddy Bear for a ride.

Ted is such a nice man I wonder how he makes any money.....he's a magician he must *POOF* his

Posted By: Len Gribble
Date Posted: 26/March/2004 at 5:11pm

Please don’t take offence on reading these threads I would say that this was a British site by your tone and not in you face attitude.  I like it!!!




Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 26/March/2004 at 7:15pm

Mr. Steamer your right Ted is a man full of knowledge willing to help everybody and also is willing to give everything away at cost.

This is why he needs a wife like he has to keep him from bankruptcy

As for me I would love to have a Steam Off!!!!!!!! Lets work on Ted for the summer months. I promise that I will not forget hopefully to put you on the invite list!!!!!!! 

I will even bring a mirror so you can look around and see Steam Dragon  and we must not forget poor Stanley, he can cook the hamburgers.

General Lee can inspect the quality of the food, and Jim Darling can get the safety data sheets on our performance.

Nightrider we can get him to bring the French Ladies for the night entertainment.

Greg can fly up with some fresh Lobster and Doug can put them in the boiling water were he is most of the time.

For the mess Padman can bring his pads for napkins. Xeon who started this post can be our Master of Ceremonies.

Len can come over on a ship and bring the ropes for the tug of war and Brian can make sure we are safe and don't hurt our-selfs.

Monster clean can supply to Tea from Boston and Steaminpile can do the invitations on Ted's 800 number. 

Mr. Mike can bring the hard liquor and we can all get a glimpse of handsome john.

We can all wonder who is in the kitchen with Dyna! maybe it's Prince!

Super Ken can glide right in and we will all end with Foolingyu, I think she has the eyes for us.

What do you think Mr. Steamer!!!!!!!    

Posted By: xenon
Date Posted: 26/March/2004 at 7:41pm

I don't think I will make it.


I live near Edmonton, Alberta.



Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 26/March/2004 at 8:09pm
She didn't forget a soul.... xenon fly baby fly.......

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 26/March/2004 at 8:10pm
I'm just

Posted By: LilNiteRidrhood
Date Posted: 31/March/2004 at 7:40pm

Inspect the food??

I'll polish it off!!!!!!!!

Even if its 2 4 1!!!!!!!

Steam off???!!!

How will my OP or Cimex compete?? I'll supe up my Cleanmore!


Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 03/April/2004 at 7:57pm

I'm bringing this to the for front again Stanley.

 Are we going to convince Ted of a "Steam Off" this summer or what.

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 03/April/2004 at 9:22pm
Originally posted by Adwa Adwa wrote:

I'm bringing this to the for front again Stanley.

 Are we going to convince Ted of a "Steam Off" this summer or what.

I guess this would be a real steam off as all you tm cleaners clean with steam. thats 212 at the wand. Maybe you guys can hookup a big whistle on your units and make it blow just like the big steam boilers on steam engines.  The biggest and loudest gets a prize. Or at least something of interest.

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