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Drive Time

Printed From: Carpet Cleaning Forum
Category: Carpet Cleaners Discussion
Forum Name: Water Damage and Fire Damage Restoration Discussion
Forum Description: Discuss anything relating to fire and water damage restoration
Printed Date: 06/February/2025 at 6:28pm
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Topic: Drive Time
Posted By: Wotsy
Subject: Drive Time
Date Posted: 04/January/2006 at 11:51am

I do a lot of work for a construction company and ran into a situation this last week.  They are building a 4 story condo unit and had a sprinkler head cook off in a non-fire related incident.  To make a long story short, we dried about a thousand gallons of water in a non-insurance claim and spent about 30 hours in drive time going to and from the building.  What are your thoughts about charging for this and keep in mind, it's my largest account.  Just for information, the units were under construction and no private homeowners were affected.


Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 04/January/2006 at 12:47pm

So what you are saying you extracted the water? Did the contractor replace flooring and drywall? Who is responsilbe for the finial work order and making sure everything was dry?

Just My opinion

Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 04/January/2006 at 5:02pm


The Blue Book or CD may work wonders for you. Keeping you in tune with national pricing for both after hours and beyond.

You can buy it online.

Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies

Posted By: Wotsy
Date Posted: 04/January/2006 at 8:28pm


I'm looking at the Blue Book now but I have a vendor contract with this guy and everything is done hourly.  Once upon a time everything was just down the street but as they got bigger, they started building everywhere and I guess drivetime didn't get put on the sheet.  I wrote up the bill and just left it off.  Live and learn, but the feeling is to work it in.  Trust is a hard commodity to earn in this industry and easy to lose.  I know all the Exactimate guys are tuning up their laptops but go polish your fingernails.  I'm looking for an opinion.

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 04/January/2006 at 9:23pm
Wotsy I have used the Best 7 program for years from BB it is worth every penny. It will give you hourly rates if that is what you desire.  However we personally prefer to unit price. But to each their own. Log on and try it for 30 days see if it can assist you in making money you didn't realize was there. Drive time?? Charge your hourly rate if it was 2 men charge for two men. I am confused about just what you want know?

Just My opinion

Posted By: Wotsy
Date Posted: 05/January/2006 at 4:16pm


I hear what you're saying.  The situation is compounded by the fact that this is originally a cleaning business.  We have always done the new home and model cleaning for this company but the water damage side came in when they got into condo units.  Multi layer floors and fire walls and the like.  They tried to do a couple jobs but ended up tearing out a lot of mold and spending big money doing it.  Their service guys aren't set up to handle the blown insulation and they don't own any negative air containment so they refuse to do the work.  Which brings us back to the original question.  What about the drive time.  I'm a salary guy but our techs punch a clock and that starts at the shop.  40 minutes each way in good traffic, 1 1/2 hours round trip but do you risk a top account to bank $500.00.  I realize thats a question that depends on your situation but its valid.  I already gave my answer and its a no.  Comparing the amount of tear out with some other jobs, I figured it came out on the high side so I'm not thinking we lost money.  Normally what should have happened is there should have been someone to blame, file a claim, build a scope and wait for approval, but the painter in the room denied touching the thing(lie) so the builder gets to eat the bill, so far.  They don't file claims for water damage and we have an hourly contract with set prices for the equipment.  Went back and read my previous post, by under construction that means painted, no trim, but 9' ceilings.

Posted By: EmpireMike
Date Posted: 28/May/2006 at 10:46pm
Originally posted by Carpetologist Carpetologist wrote:


The Blue Book or CD may work wonders for you. Keeping you in tune with national pricing for both after hours and beyond.

You can buy it online.

Where is the best place to get this?  Online there are a ton of places with a ton of differnt places.

------------- -

Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 29/May/2006 at 3:08pm
Originally posted by EmpireMike EmpireMike wrote:

Where is the best place to get this?  Online there are a ton of places with a ton of differnt places.
Go to -
I went to your website and it made me think just how many cleaners go on websites and ask each other "What is the best form of advertising and getting the phone to ring?"
Cleaners argue amongst themselves all day long "To Rotovac or not to Rotovac - To Wand or RX-20" etc, etc., "My truck is bigger than your truck."
You took the bull by the horns and simply put the Rotovac commercial up on your site at no charge to you. Knowing that this commercial was designed by a professional ad agency that probably charged more for it than your profit and mind put together for a year. SMART MAN!
This commercial will drive Mrs. Housewife straight to your phone. Phone
If anyone has any input on this idea please be vocal.

Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies

Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 29/May/2006 at 3:15pm
You just gave me an excellent idea.
I am going to put all off my customers names and phone numbers who purchase a Rotovac or Rotovac 360 up on my website in a section for potential carpet cleaning customers to view and be able to call you. I will create a Rotovac Wow Video commercial that will allow all the best search engines to take these buyers to the video commercial. And give it an extra kick by adding Enviro Friendly Products. The KK website will now drive customers to your companies.
EmpireMike you will be the first to go up in New York.
Thank you - Thank you - Thank you very much

Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies

Posted By: jtuseo
Date Posted: 19/November/2006 at 9:23pm
If you build it they will come!


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