Tide with color safe bleach (powder)
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Topic: Tide with color safe bleach (powder)
Posted By: 77748
Subject: Tide with color safe bleach (powder)
Date Posted: 12/February/2006 at 9:02pm
Some people use formula 90, performance cbs, or others as a solution. Has anyone tried Tide with color safe bleach powder from as in the solution tank with the chemical meter at lets say 2. Defoamer as needed in waste tank 1 to 2 ounces. If someone says no no no what about the hydroforce and clean with just steamwater (no chemical just deoderizer)
Now I am and have used this in bonnet cleaning method and no problems. Smells clean. Works very good.
The thing is people use Tide to clean clothes, blood stains, s**t stains animal or human ,filth, vomit , shoes, ect why not ? Save alot of money. And it is very obvious it works. It cannot be that bad since you use it to clean your skid mark underwears. Clothes, baby clothes ect... Keeping in mind I only use powder form with the blue crystals. Has to be safe on solution control rubber gaskets. Any takers????? 
Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 13/February/2006 at 2:36am
Steamer is the specialist on Tide 
Posted By: dennis_is_ok
Date Posted: 13/February/2006 at 8:42am
what a cheap bastard
my chems are less than 3% of my expense
Posted By: cleanex
Date Posted: 13/February/2006 at 9:11am
Big difference between washing cloths and carpet cleaning. If you could put the carpet in awashing machine and rinse all the detergent from the carpet than nothing wrong with your system, however, we can not do that so in my estimation you are playing with trouble
------------- DON ELDRED
Posted By: 77748
Date Posted: 13/February/2006 at 10:40am
I have used in dry cleaning spray on and bonnet off and I have not seen not seen any meantime failure. Same every 6 months if anything they stayed cleaner. I am just trying to feel people out on this. Why not? This is why we are here for knowledge , learning and saving money. And I spend alot of money for my chemicals. With a new Bluewave TM, gas prices, van payments, advertising. Just trying to see about Tide save some money do more advertising.
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 13/February/2006 at 11:24am
77748.... you just said a bad word around here......50 pounds of tide only cost about 40 bucks..... 50 pounds of dry slurry/chemspec high heat/attack/suspend any where from 200 bucks up....lol
of course the chemical makers brain wash you... the chemical make up of all these detergents are very similar, but why not sell a product that you can make money off.....
nylon is nylon clothes are made from nylon carpet is made from nylon...wool is wool clothes are made from wool carpet is made from wool.
if you can wash your clothes with it ..skin safe...enviromentally safe..the stuff decomposes...it's allowed down the drain...
when you think about it...your cleaning green....lol DFC watch out here comes tide cold water wash....
it's color safe...does not yellow the carpet...it rinses out well...
these guys all act like they are chemist... the don't know the first sh*t about the residue cause or effects of any soap on a carpet...
they believe whats on the label and what the sales person tells them.
77748.... take it to a lab and have it analyzed for yourself and you'll see.
take some tide...dry slurry...chemspec high heat... let them tell you the differences... cost about $100 bucks lab time...
lol good luck
------------- www.mr-steamer.com
Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 13/February/2006 at 11:27am
Told you Steamer was a specialist in Tide 
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 13/February/2006 at 11:52am
Any time you have a product that you feel you would like to use or try and save money with, you should do two tests first.
Any soap may make a carpet look clean, however will this soap damage the guts of your expensive equipment. Also you should always do an evaporation test.
Pour an oz or so of the product into a Styrofoam cup. If it eats the cup it will eat your equipment. Now pour an oz or so of the same product into a glass cup. Let the liquid portion evaporate over a few days.
Now test that residue with your finger. If it is wet, sticky and gooey, that is what you are leaving on your customers carpet ( a magnet for dirt). If it is soft and powdery, then it will continue to absorb soil even in its dry form, waiting for a vacuum cleaner to remove it.
The new Buss word in residue is ENCAP. Look it up on this site, this will be the future residues.
P.S. If you feel you need brightening on light color carpet, look at ENCAP with Hydrogen Peroxide. (Carpet Cleaning Crystal)
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 13/February/2006 at 12:01pm
One of the reasons why Kleen Kuip keeps selling quality cleaning products, is our customers keep coming back because they claim the last guy left some kind of a mess by using household consumer products. These products usually create rapid re soiling.
Those who use Tide usually go out with the Tide never to be seen again. I guess I have been around to see more go than come. The first three letters in Profit is PRO
I look at Steamer as being a Pro, but we have to get him off that TIDE!! Now if we can get Doug back, he would switch Steamer to HIDE!!
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 13/February/2006 at 4:55pm
Another product that will knock your socks off and will separate the men from the boys is Chemspec's Energizer (you add it to your existing formula).
Now you can't buy that at the grocery store. Energizer puts a smile on the carpet and keeps customers coming back. 
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: 77748
Date Posted: 13/February/2006 at 6:14pm
Actually dry bonnet cleaning we use TIDE powder form with a scoop of ENERGIZER by Chemspec. I will look into the encap with peroxide if it comes in powder. Don't mind spending the money, but if Tide does workS as its supposed two which is clean just maybe it might work better in residentials. As it is we carry too many chemicals which has its pros and cons. As it is right now Tide works on clothes as an enzyme, heavy soiling, & urine cleaning. Tested on TV comparing to other brands.
Mr. Steamer your feedback is interesting. And Mr. Carpetologist I am sure you have to stick with selling products because telling people Tide is great would be bad for business. I can respect that. I like the line about the first three letters in Profit which is pro. I lkie it better the other way being a pro leads to profit. Anyways I am not pushing oxyclean and all garbage we are talking about Tide something that sounds to simple. 
Dennis if Tide works our chems will cost 2%. Gas prices aren't so bad now.
Where is Doug at anyway. What his feedback. Waitin for the one liner. 
Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 13/February/2006 at 7:16pm

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 13/February/2006 at 8:22pm
first four letters in B U L L S H I T is bull...
listen do the test for yourself...if your in the GTA I can recommend you to a few labs in the area.
the carpet cleaning chemicals that we buy most times can be produced for less than 70% of the retail price.
That I can show you... we are all here to make a living.... I don't use tide but the stuff that we buy for all the big money is NO BETTER THAN TIDE.
you can take that to the bank...
I know because often take chemicals to the lab to have them tested so I can make a cheaper product for myself to use....
like in the Matrix... red or blue pill.... it's your choice...
learn about the stuff you use or just stay in the darkness and listen to the sales people and read the back

------------- www.mr-steamer.com
Posted By: jackblack
Date Posted: 13/February/2006 at 9:46pm
I bet $50 bucks steamer use to smoke "home-grown" back in the day or "bush".
Forget that buddy, I and I only smoke de best ganja mon give me sensi or nuttin mon!!!
forget all this Tide now I want steamer to cop to smokin that bright green smelly stuff that he grew in his basement. I'm not even talking good hydro of the 1990's hahahahahaaaaaaaa
you bush-wacker LOL
Posted By: 77748
Date Posted: 13/February/2006 at 10:32pm
With all those harsh chemicals such as energy, extreme clean and olefin cleaners as well as others . We should kinda see that TIDE will do none if any harm to our equipment. From what I read and see lets assume it does the same or almost equivalent the same clean at least on residential right. Is it the shame because its fricken TIDE right underneath our noses. To think I panic once in a while when I am need of chemical and it is Friday night and a big job on Saturday A.M. Better yet lets say you forgot to load up chemicals and you are at the customers residence carpets are filthy and it is a 400 dollar job. Hoses all laid out. Do you
A) reschedule
B)use water and steam or
C) Use there Tide Ha ha!!! or go to the grocery store. Then the Bank
Posted By: dennis_is_ok
Date Posted: 13/February/2006 at 11:55pm
I use Tide boosted with Bleach then Bounce as my rinse so the carpet is soft and smells good.

Posted By: RealCleanCarpet
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 12:56am
You can take any product to a lab and have it broke down and manufactured and slap your own label on it. Instead of paying $30 bucks a gallon, you might pay $7 bucks a gallon.
I have a buddy in CA that does bonnet cleaning, last time I seen him he had 15 techs. Prices of product was killing him so he took it to a local chemist, had it broke down and now buys his product from the chemist for $7 bucks a gallon, turns around and charges his techs $10 bucks a gallon.
This guy grosses over a million bucks a year.
Posted By: 77748
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 1:04am
What do you mean chemist . Say i was to go to the yellow pages where and what do I do. Thanks!! I live in northern California.
I want to breakdown the new Buzz word in residue in ENCAP and change it up a little and put a label on it.And sell back to The Great Hardini. Just kidding Carpetologist. you would think that would be illegal.
Posted By: dennis_is_ok
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 1:11am
sorry fella i call BS.
you would have to spend a ton of loonies to break down the exact 100% formula of some of these "solutions"
maybe your bud got lucky.
ask JD, it aint that easy
RealCleanCarpet wrote:
You can take any product to a lab and have it broke down and manufactured and slap your own label on it. Instead of paying $30 bucks a gallon, you might pay $7 bucks a gallon.
I have a buddy in CA that does bonnet cleaning, last time I seen him he had 15 techs. Prices of product was killing him so he took it to a local chemist, had it broke down and now buys his product from the chemist for $7 bucks a gallon, turns around and charges his techs $10 bucks a gallon.
This guy grosses over a million bucks a year.
Posted By: RealCleanCarpet
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 1:15am
77748, this is something where you might have to build a relationship with a local chemist or at least someone that knows what they're doing and has the tools to break down a product.
Send me a PM and I can give you the name and company of the guy I know in Southern California. He might share his knowledge with you or at least tell you how to go about doing it. I doubt he's on this board or the red board. And it has been awhile since I spoke to him.
Posted By: RealCleanCarpet
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 1:20am
Say what you will. You have no idea, you don't know me and you don't know the guy I'm talking about. You can say it's BS all you want. There's no doubt...this isn't something that can be easily done and you have to know what in the hell you're doing. Can I do it? Heck no.
But I know that this guy did it. I personally went to the lab with him several times to pickup product. If you think it's BS...fine. But I'll tell you what...you have no idea who I am or who he is. But you do have the right to your opinion.
Posted By: 77748
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 1:20am
Where is the red board???
Posted By: RealCleanCarpet
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 1:28am
Posted By: RealCleanCarpet
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 1:41am
77748 I just responded to your PM. Good luck. Send me a PM and let me know how it goes.
Posted By: Cleaner_n_TX
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 1:52am
Just looked at the ph on tide with bleach....of course, I couldnt
figure out a dilution, but noticed the ph was 10.6 i believe it was.
Cheer however was an 8.6, both having enzymes. Hmm, never would've
considered it, but I guess it COULD be an option for some if they want
to take that route. As for me, I use my pre-spray (pre-kleen or
enz-all), followed by all fiber textile rinse by chemspec. Good luck!
I imagine foaming would be a big issue though....
Posted By: 77748
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 1:55am
Time to do some experimenting. using to many chemicals I use this stuff called Vanish in two parts by Esteem pet stains, coffee ect..
And then I use this stuff called ARA anti resoiling agent by pro choice
And another call dirt chaser with enzyme as my pre spray by pro choice
All this on every call on residentials not to mention formula 90 and energiser. Deoderizer. Each chemical is unique to its stain not to mention all the other chems.
Buying one or several chemicals fine but I am always out of something and they add up which is fine just trying to cut some corners.
Then theres advertising, insurance, logos, magnets, cards, bus forms man I can go on but you just don;t say my chemicals 5% man you have to look at the big picture vehicle, TM,gas, latest tools,workers. In other words you cut costs wherever you can this Tide thing looks like a sure thing. So Tide has enzymes this is getting better. Thanks the foam thing i have 2 gallons of Defoamer i used with my portable a long time ago never needed in my TM so I might have to throw in a ounce or two that can be controlled by keeping the chemical meter at 2. Probalbly 2 to 3 scoops in the 5 gallon solution tank
Posted By: 77748
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 2:06am
If this could work I probably would not have to hydroforce my enzyme treatment since it is in the TIDE. If it cleans as it is supposed to since i might not hydroforce carpet will dry faster. Hydroforcing leave carpets wetter even after a second pass. Not knocking the hydroforce a vital and essential tool that has been very handy. Testing on my house is needed.
Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 9:25am
Were is General Lee and Jim Darling..............I would love to hear what they would have to say regarding this topic. 
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Posted By: 77748
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 10:09am
Adwa you can't say at least you haven't thought about it TIDE in your solution tank.
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 10:26am
Adwa wrote:
Were is General Lee and Jim Darling..............I would love to hear what they would have to say regarding this topic. 
| These guys are going to say use proper chemical... Lee teaches IICRC course Jim Teaches and produces and sells Chem Spec.
Listen to me a guy who has to cut cost and has nothing to gain by saying what will work or will not work.
I've done the research.... so the stuff will not be labeled properly... it wont have a MSDS or WHIMSS.... but will it work hell yes....
and if you have a box a tide in your truck your covered you can't get fined, everything is on the box....lol
I've used knock of chemicals for years... with no effect on any carpet or my prochem equipment.....none what so ever.
Take crest lab up in scarb..... now their products are properly priced for our industry..... his 50lb soap will cost you no more than a 50lbs of tide..
so you dum dums can buy name... buy label....listen to sales people...or try and learn and find out for yourselves
------------- www.mr-steamer.com
Posted By: cleanex
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 1:34pm
Some cleaners will spend a small fortune to save a penny, do what you do best. If that is being a chemist than get out of carpet cleaning and become a chemist, if it is carpet cleaning why would you spend all that time to save on something that is such a small percentage of your overall costs.
------------- DON ELDRED
Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 3:13pm
cleanex wrote:
Some cleaners will spend a small fortune to save a penny, do what you do best. If that is being a chemist than get out of carpet cleaning and become a chemist, if it is carpet cleaning why would you spend all that time to save on something that is such a small percentage of your overall costs. |
That's because there all dum dums 
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Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 3:43pm
There will be a Tide of problems and dissatisfied customers if you get too many carpet cleaners converted to Tide.
I am in the process of doing and evaporation test on Tide (should take another day of so before I post the results). So far the Tide is looking very slimey.
I am sure Tide is an excellent cleaner but the problem is that it requires at least three rinses. Carpet cleaners do not have that kind of time frame and still be able to show a profit.
Your customers carpet will resoil rapidly and they will never call you back.
We replaced a pump yesterday at a $1,200.00 cost to a carpet cleaner who listened to his Uncle Henry or took his Grandmothers remedies advice. Found out the product he used cleaned out his pump real well.
Cost Comparisons:
Let's talk Quality with a Kick.
Take Chemspec Formula 90 powder for example... Directions: Mix one oz. of Formula 90 per 5 gallons of water.
Buying Formula 90 powder in small amounts and no discounts (list price) would cost you 40 cents per oz. This means 80 cents (Canadian dollars) (U.S. 20% less) per fill up in standard 10 gallon portable. Cost $1.60 to clean the average home.
Let's say you can buy a cheaper product for 50% less. So you have saved 80 cents and possibly compromised your equipment and your customers.
Jim Darling is out of town and will be back tomorrow. I know he can explain what fillers are in products. Basically they are products that bulk up the purchase to make it look like more. But fillers or no fillers I will leave that one up to intelligent minds.
Formula 90 Contains:
- Corrosive Inhibitors
- Brighteners all colours
- Excellent soil resistance
- pH buffering compounds
- Non foaming
Sounds like you guys have me on the run with this Tide deal. Maybe I am best to take nightriders advice, to shut-up and make my money on the repairs caused by cheap products and buy stock in Procter & Gamble.
When the chips are down nightrider always has the answers.
With all the Tide talk it's time to resurrect some old posts from days gone by of our famous formula HIDE. I am sure our forum newbies will enjoy it!
http://www.kleenkuip.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=266&KW=hide"> http://www.kleenkuip.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=266&KW=hide - http://www.kleenkuip.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=266&K W=hide
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 5:14pm
I don't know anything about Tide, or any other laundry soap to clean carpets........But ........What I do know is that my cheap partners at the restaurant wanted to save $ 150.00 /month on the dishwashing soap 4 months ago and it just cost us $2,200 to replace stainless steel clogged jet tubes , $ 325.00 for pump seals, and $ 450.00 Labour Costs.......Not to mention the 10 hours of down time, extra costs for washing by hand and 3 very pissed off dishwashers.
Wash your hair with shampoo
Wash your clothes with laundry soap
Clean your toilet with Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Clean your customers carpet with Carpet Cleaner
They're paying you to do a job.........so do it, if you want to save money stop smoking, or drink less beer.
Posted By: dennis_is_ok
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 5:39pm
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 5:56pm
Adwa wrote:
cleanex wrote:
Some cleaners will spend a small fortune to save a penny, do what you do best. If that is being a chemist than get out of carpet cleaning and become a chemist, if it is carpet cleaning why would you spend all that time to save on something that is such a small percentage of your overall costs. |
That's because there all dum dums 
| Adwa I expect you to say that... you mark-up and sell chemicals... No one wants to be a chemist... but for a couple of bucks why not analyze what your using.... in business you should know ALL ASPECTS of it... How to clean ..How to drive.... how to repair... knowing what solution your using and it function... tons of down time now.
The detergent I use ...I've been using it for 10 years with excellent results and its way cheap than even a box of tide...
when the guy first analyzed the dry slurry he said and I quote"this is no better than a good laundry detergent"
Not to flame cleanex but soap is not a small portion of the total bill ...it's a big portion...
50lbs dry slurry $200..
50lbs chemspec high heat/enzyme/df $200+
50lbs of attack/suspend $200+
50lbs cosways stuff $150
50lbs of knock of $75
looks like savings to me... and I've used them all and none works better than the other.
Listen do your job and do it right
dwell time(at least 10 mins)
agitate(with a brush or groomer)
heat in most cases(150*f-190*f)
these will give you good results on most residential carpet no matter what soap you use.
I like the way these sales people... and these chemical people ....try to tell me something that I live everyday.
they never used the stuff but yet they can talk about it
------------- www.mr-steamer.com
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 6:02pm
Carpetologist wrote:
There will be a Tide of problems and dissatisfied customers if you get too many carpet cleaners converted to Tide.
I am in the process of doing and evaporation test on Tide (should take another day of so before I post the results). So far the Tide is looking very slimey.
I am sure Tide is an excellent cleaner but the problem is that it requires at least three rinses. Carpet cleaners do not have that kind of time frame and still be able to show a profit.
Your customers carpet will resoil rapidly and they will never call you back.
We replaced a pump yesterday at a $1,200.00 cost to a carpet cleaner who listened to his Uncle Henry or took his Grandmothers remedies advice. Found out the product he used cleaned out his pump real well.
| Bull Bull Bull he must be an idiot and put dfc in the water...lol
Ted all the above stuff you said is bull... straight up bull
how are you mixing this hide???
10 oz in a hydro froce 1 gallon.....pre-spray
no re-soiling... no foam... no bull happy customer
------------- www.mr-steamer.com
Posted By: dennis_is_ok
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 6:36pm
what is knock of? is it white? I think I used it on a new carpet then some stains came up, the building owner called in and IICRC inspector and he tested the problem area at pH 13. now i'm f**ked I'm gonna sue the guy who made it
Posted By: cleanex
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 6:37pm
Chemical costs represent about 3% of gross sales in the average carpet cleaning companies. That is one of the smallest costs in our business, don't know about Steamer's costs, if I was going to waste my time on anything it would looking for ways to reduce labour, taxes, gasoline, heat & hydro costs long before trying to save pennies on some SOAP mixture, that may or may not save so little my bottom line would not change.
To each his own, maybe a one man operation could get away with using laundry soap
------------- DON ELDRED
Posted By: dennis_is_ok
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 6:53pm
why Tide? why not Presidents Choice or Cosco or Amway?
why not find something that is 1/2 the price of tide the you really be saving big time
Posted By: 77748
Date Posted: 14/February/2006 at 7:16pm
Carpetologist wrote
We replaced a pump yesterday at a $1,200.00 cost to a carpet cleaner who listened to his Uncle Henry or took his Grandmothers remedies advice. Found out the product he used cleaned out his pump real well.
Don't know about that Uncle Henry stuff we are talking about something as simple as TIDE. With a tested PH. If it has worked on bonnet cleaning why not with the heat in Steam Cleaning. I haven't had any problems or meantime failure any different. Carpetologist I hope the test you are doing is with Powder. As it is I can clean carpet without solution 230 degree steam as far as the TIDE just about 2 scoops per 5 gallon solution tank. Someone also said it has enzymes man thats a bonus. I will say this it has to be safe. Can someone get fined by osha for not disposing of this properly or is this safe as an extra extra bonus. It is even used on babies clothes if it was bad no parent would even think about it. As it is lots of people do not clean there carpet enough we are getting them on a cycle. If it is every 6 months to a year so be it everyone wins. We going to make even more money. That is why we are here right.
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 12:22am
Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 10:14am
We all know what your like.........when you have your foot so far up your ass...........there ain't no one going to pull it out..........everyone is wrong and full of bull...........I for one love to see a fool enjoying himself. 
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Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 10:21am
ADWA I thought steamer only opened his mouth to change feet?
------------- Just My opinion
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 11:51am
Try using Tide to clean some babies clothing the same way you clean carpets or furniture with a hand tool and get ready for the baby to rash up.
Tide must be rinsed more thoroughly than we have the time and capability to do so.
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 11:59am
FACT - Test for yourself
Weigh the gallon of chemical you are using and compare it to the weight of a gallon of water. The closer the weight is to water tells you the true story.
You can buy oats for two prices. Before the horse eats it and after the horse eats it.
Your choice.
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 12:05pm
MR. STEAMER wrote:
Ted all the above stuff you said is bull... straight up bull |
You are right and you are wrong. With a HP Truck Mount and better than 200F heat as you are comparing to you could clean carpets by using NO soap and utilizing the soap residue that is still in the carpet from the last cleaning. Now there is double digit savings.
But what about the vast majority of carpet cleaners who use 100 PSI medium suction and tap water heat. They need a helping hand. Formula 90 Power with 10% Energizer will make them look good and keep customers coming back.
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 12:06pm
Adwa wrote:
We all know what your like.........when you have your foot so far up your ass...........there ain't no one going to pull it out..........everyone is wrong and full of bull...........I for one love to see a fool enjoying himself. 
| WELL I'M LIVING THE VIDA LOCA ....CHICA I'm right...no need to waste my time proving it... I prove it everyday
if my foot is up my ass... your head is up yours...
you can't easily dismiss the truth... no matter how much you don't want to hear it.
soap is only one factor in the whole pie.....
I've been cleaning more than long enough to know... I clean over 1500 homes every single year....for about 10 years or more
with tons of repeats and tons or referrals and never any damage.
and that alone speaks for itself.
I hate to hear BULL S H I T from people that dont have a F'in clue
------------- www.mr-steamer.com
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 12:06pm
How is my Tide evaporation test coming along?
I am now calling it the slime-ball test. Looks like it will take a day or so more. That's if it doesn't slide out of the cup.
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: 77748
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 1:11pm
Carpetoligist is getting strong now you can start from the beginning of this topic he was sweating bullets strength starting to pick up now. If it does well with all that hocus pocus will you stock it. 
I can see there is no way in hell you could say its good because it would be bad for business. Honestly yes or no? It would be bad. Those other products would collect dust . Profits would drop. 
Buy this TM and buy more expensive one and buy Tide it has enzyme.You will save lots of money. TM will pay for itself. The Great Hardini !!! 
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 1:44pm
Thanks for noticing this.
In my case yes I need sales to keep the wheels rolling and pay the rent. But I also consider myself a consultant that offers and can seriously help my clients and potential customers.
I have saved the a** of many carpet cleaners for many years. Especially those armed with little knowledge and those who screwed up by using Grandmothers remedies and Uncle Harry's potions.
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 2:03pm
77748... being a carpet cleaner running your own truck. you have to be everything...cleaner...sale rep....repair guy....chemist...
to have a successful business you have to be able to do almost everything.
Smart business always look for cost effective solutions. I like Ted and Gloria!!! great people.....but my bottom line has no friends.
I'm not saying top run out and use tide... but there are cost effective solutions on the market why not explore them.
Ted 10oz of tide in 1 gallon of water in a hydro force makes great pre-spray.
ph should test around 8.5(pretty neutral)
no residue(or very little)with or without a rinse
no foam up in tank
resoiling NONE
skin safe??? you betcha
would I use it as an extraction liquid.... maybe not ...might be stick if not rinsed... but alot of extraction liquids are if not mixed correctly.
------------- www.mr-steamer.com
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 2:20pm

This should be a no-brainer but since Formula 90 sells for $58.55 per gallon and XYZ sells for $15.00 per gallon we sell more XYZ.
In all my years of selling carpet cleaning chemicals and products I have never ever had and inquiry that asked...
"How many sq. ft. can I clean with one gallon of your product?"
Everyone asks "How much money is a gallon?" "Click"
Same goes for pressure on carpet cleaning machines. Our low end out-sells our high-end yet the high-end cleans at least 20% faster.
Now 20% labour savings that's money in the bank. Not to mention more free time.
These are facts you can work out on your own. You don't need me to tell you this.
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 2:42pm
77748 wrote:
I can see there is no way in hell you could say its good because it would be bad for business. Honestly yes or no? It would be bad. Those other products would collect dust . Profits would drop.  |
If a lady asked you as a professional carpet cleaner the question:
"Do you think I should rent a supermarket cleaner?"
There is no way in hell you would agree with her. You would professionally provide her with the facts. Yes in business you do what you have to do. Some do it professionally and some do it unprofessionally.
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: Ed Valentine
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 2:54pm
In my 35 years in this Industry as a professional cleaner AND a manufacturer, I can only tell one that there is one helle'va difference between the cleaning abilities of TIDE and the right (and proper) CLEANING AGENT that was developed for the quicker cleaning and release of dirt and grime in carpeting fabrics. No question.
And, the right product jamed packed with water-softners will cut surface tension unbelievibly well!!!!
For those who believe that they are cutting corners: Better stop kidding oneself with this consumer product (Tide)...because you're not cleaning them (corners)!!!!!!
Good Fortune to all our Canadian friends on your flag day;
Ed Valentine
http://www.cross-american.com - www.cross-american.com
Posted By: cleanex
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 4:07pm
I hate to do this folks but
------------- DON ELDRED
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 4:41pm
cleanex wrote:
I hate to do this folks but
| cleanex... I hate when you start with this bull of yours.... you are unarmed... Have you ever run any test on the solutions you use???... probally not... no one is cutting corner...
this comes down to brand and no name brand....
I'm damn glad you decided not to post anymopre you have no facts... you can only tell us about whats on the label or what the salesperson has told you.
as far as I'm concerned you are the unarmed one

------------- www.mr-steamer.com
Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 5:16pm
Just The Facts Man..........Simply The Facts
------------- The Following Statements do not Necessarily Reflect the Views of this Forum Network
http://www.kleenkuip.com - http://www.kleenkuip.com
Posted By: cleanex
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 5:36pm
Good Night Steamer! Tides in.
------------- DON ELDRED
Posted By: cleanex
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 5:43pm
This reminds me of years ago when a good friend of mine and an industry leader deciced that upholstery needed to be neutralized, so he used vinegar to accomplish this, problem was, clients started saying if I knew you where going to clean it with vinegar I would have done it myself, hence he had a odourless product made to do the neutralizing. hopefully Steamer does not take a box of tide into his accounts.
------------- DON ELDRED
Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 6:14pm
Don I remember that story. I heard it while attending the OPCCA cert cource. I that was just a couple of years ago.
------------- Just My opinion
Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 6:29pm
I overheard that you once worked in an Orange Juice factory but you were fired because you couldn't concentrate...............Is that true
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 6:40pm
cleanex wrote:
This reminds me of years ago when a good friend of mine and an industry leader deciced that upholstery needed to be neutralized, so he used vinegar to accomplish this, problem was, clients started saying if I knew you where going to clean it with vinegar I would have done it myself, hence he had a odourless product made to do the neutralizing. hopefully Steamer does not take a box of tide into his accounts. | Oh I thought you where finished posting?????
cleanex... the only thing you can rely on is what you have read....you sit in your nice leather chair, and think that your age gives you all the answers. Yes Yes I agree you've been doing this for a long time period. But you have never ventured out of the box not once.
I personally have nothing to gain with any of my statements... I could be like the rest of you and pretend to be true blue to the carpet force of life.
I've met many a cleaner in my day.... not one drop cloth... not one clean rag... using zep from home hardware.
that most of us here
so don't try to be all holy, because daddy, when you live in a glass house you shouldn't throw stones
------------- www.mr-steamer.com
Posted By: LilNiteRidrhood
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 8:35pm
I believe that Steamer can do certain things that others can't or shouldn't because he is very experienced.
I have been around the block.
I've done all the shortcuts.
The only thing I ever really screwed up was ages ago.
I swear to God this is true.
I ruined a couch and chair, I cleaned it with Tide with Bleach.
I would not use laundry soap on carpets and upholstery.
Posted By: cleanex
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 9:25pm
Come on Lee you must get outside the box or else your business is doomed!
Doug you remember that story about the vinegar, and yes it was at a OPCCA meeting more 20 years agol
------------- DON ELDRED
Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 10:41pm
I think I made a mistake once. But if I remember correctly it wasn't my fault?
------------- Just My opinion
Posted By: 77748
Date Posted: 15/February/2006 at 11:52pm
I ruined a couch and chair, I cleaned it with Tide with Bleach.
I would not use laundry soap on carpets and upholstery.
Would you like to elaborate. Did you use powder? Do you think you used too much? Or do not use on upholstery? Got to give us a little more than that . Did you mix other stuff with it ? You can tell us we all go through strange situations and have stories. This is how we learn and why the forum is here.
I have something to add as well. So much experience in this forum its incredible. I understand there is a right way and a wrong way. Its just the principle if something like tide may or may not work, yes PH ok Enzyme yes , need to rinse well. Yes it is a bad word in the industry because you have a lot of money invested in unique chemicals. Take someone like the Carpetologist who helped me in this forum when I first started never met him but helped quite a bit as Doug, Steamer Nightrider and so many others. Thank you! Sincerely. You all have helped me at least make this secondary business a primary one. I now have two TMs and four vans. My goal is to get two busy all year long. This is in a year and a 1/2. Learn, Read Read Read. Then go balls out. Do it right the first time so you do not have to do it a second. No woulda shoulda coulda. I know I am off topic. I didn't know Jane when I started. Just hungry and willing to share knowledge. Thank god for gliders & electric reels. My back was killing me.
Anyways from what I gather be careful ask yourself (Am I willing to gamble trying something not recommended . Do I want to buy someones carpet or sofa. ) I remember once where a white carpet turned pink too much Chemspecs formula 90 or energiser or enzyme high ph came here and was told about acid rinse solve the promblem. Optical color brightners came out to play and play hard never forget when that customer call to complain about that. Careful rookies. Pros know there job well enough to get out of a jam so they can take chances . I use TIDE in dry bonnet cleaning comes out beautiful no problems and hell no I will not take a chance on upholstery until I am comfortable. 
Posted By: Steaminpile
Date Posted: 16/February/2006 at 12:34am
I can't actually believe that there is a debate about using Tide
------------- A.K.A.
Posted By: 77748
Date Posted: 16/February/2006 at 12:59am
Posted By: cleanex
Date Posted: 16/February/2006 at 8:18am
It has been slow around the boards lately, we are ready to jump on any topic, Tide seems like a good one
------------- DON ELDRED
Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 16/February/2006 at 8:26am
That couch thing reminds me of an old WoolLite commerical where they put the couch in the washing machine? How times have changed. too bad the washing machines got smaller.
------------- Just My opinion
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 16/February/2006 at 9:43am
77748 Thats what all this comes down to ...experience... I have not wrecked one piece of carpet or furniture ever.
I'm not like some of these guys that may only do 5 to 10 calls a week. I do at least 25 calls a week...4 or 5 calls a day over a 6 day period. If I screw up with the type of soap I use, I would screw up big owing thousands of dollars.
I'm not a weekend warrior, or a part time cleaner, I own and operate 2 truckmounts that go out and work each and everyday.
All the rest of arm chair cleaners here, can talk their crap.
I know exactly what time it is
------------- www.mr-steamer.com
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 16/February/2006 at 2:48pm
Well the Tide is in and my slimeball experiment test is over. The results were quite surprising to me and I did not see the devastation that I expected to see and feel.
The residue as much as it stayed slimey for two and a half days eventually became a solid. That I did not expect. But a clumpy solid and not a powdery solid.
The clumpy solid residue will probably not vacuum up as readily as a powdery residue would. On a scale of 1 to 10 Tide gets a 5. But Formula 90 + Energizer is still a 10 in my world.
You must remember that Chemspec is a specialty chemical company and does not produce detergents for dishwashers, car washes, laundry, etc,. They concentrate on you the carpet cleaner. All their eggs are in one basket. I for one support them.
Anyone who comes up with a winner you should keep supporting and feeding. This allows their Research & Development to keep winning products in front of you.
Do you think Procter & Gamble would ever look into a specialty product for our industry? Hell no...we are too small for the big guys to even consider.

------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 16/February/2006 at 2:58pm
MR. STEAMER wrote:
77748 Thats what all this comes down to ...experience... I have not wrecked one piece of carpet or furniture ever.
I'm not like some of these guys that may only do 5 to 10 calls a week. I do at least 25 calls a week...4 or 5 calls a day over a 6 day period. If I screw up with the type of soap I use, I would screw up big owing thousands of dollars.
I'm not a weekend warrior, or a part time cleaner, I own and operate 2 truckmounts that go out and work each and everyday.
All the rest of arm chair cleaners here, can talk their crap.
I know exactly what time it is
Steamer are you looking for a medal or a chest to pin it on? Just because you are the Bionic cleaner doesen't meat you are the only one who knows anything. Unfortunately I haven't stayed in business for over 20 years from being the fastest and the cheapest. I guess that leaves me some time to sit in my armchair?
------------- Just My opinion
Posted By: 77748
Date Posted: 16/February/2006 at 7:24pm
Carpetologist I thought you were going to bash the hell out of it!
Appreciate your honesty! True to the game!!
Posted By: pilediver
Date Posted: 16/February/2006 at 10:12pm
Carpetologist, I too appreciate your honesty. If it is not too much trouble why not get the residue analyzed. I am going to suggest that what is left will be something that will attract dirt easily, or maybe not.
I can't knock Steamer either, thats alot of doors his company has gone through and he had the results to back it.
Good topic!
------------- http://www.expertcarpetcare.ca>Carpet Cleaning in Victoria BC
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 17/February/2006 at 12:04am
He didn't mix it like you would in pre-spray....
I only use hydro force... 10 oz to 1 gallon....
I use to use prochem dry slurry... love it... but I was paying $250 dollars a 50lbs pail.....
I go through a lot of soap because I actually pre-spray from top to bottom... not spot spray... I pay attention to the spots but I give the whole carpet a good soaping...
I would go through a pail in a month to month and a half...
so I took it to my fathers lab buddy, that makes all sorts of chemicals. He made up somestuff what worked just as well and was just as cheap as a box of laundry detergent.
He said the dry slurry was no better than a good laundry detergent...has to do something with the activating agent...or something like that he said.
so at first I mixed his 50lbs with 50lbs of dry slurry...
never noticed any difference in cleaning...and this stuff only cost 60bucks for the pail...
wow until I stopped mixing it...
still never noticed any difference...
what the guy makes for me is a general detergent... good for clothes good for carpet ...don't was your car with it...lol
maybe not tide... but just as cheap
so when I hear that the stuff causes re-soiling...or leaves residue... I know that it doesn't
But saying this gets you ridicule from your peers.
and I've cleaned everything with it....
go figure
------------- www.mr-steamer.com
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 17/February/2006 at 10:23am
For those who we have not convinced and prefer Tide, let me take you to an even lower level.
Proctor & Gamble sell a product industrially and it is called Orvis, comes in powder and paste. It is very inexpensive, guess what. Its Tide without the bulls Eye Target on the box.
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 17/February/2006 at 5:04pm
77748 wrote:
So much experience in this forum its incredible. Take someone like the Carpetologist who helped me in this forum when I first started never met him but helped quite a bit as Doug, Steamer Nightrider and so many others. Thank you! Sincerely. You all have helped me at least make this secondary business a primary one. |
We appreciated the good words in your post how you feel this site has helped you. Nice to see your growth in such a short time. Most people we sell to in Ontario never get beyond the Mama-Papa stage.
It's very rare to see a newbie in Ontario even get beyond three crews. Don't have the answer why. American's are gamblers. Go big or go home.
Canadians seem very concerned about overspending and are conservative. A one man operation is not a business, the business owns you and keeps you captive.
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 17/February/2006 at 5:34pm
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 17/February/2006 at 5:41pm
Oh BOy...
Business must be really slow. In four days we've had almost 800 views on the Tide Topic.
Think of all the professional brains in this system for us to pick and we are arguing over Tide. I for one am going to put it down to entertainment value.
Let's get back to talking about O.P., http://www.kleenkuip.com/products/the_Activator.htm - The Activator , Dry Cleaning and watch profits soar into the thousands.
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 17/February/2006 at 5:51pm
All Depends on the area you service....
for example Oakville with only 50 thousand homes will make just as much as Mississauga with 150 thousand homes....
It's plain to see that some areas are just better than others for home services.....
Little do you know that most BIG operations dont have more than 3 or 4 trucks anyways... and a lot of the time it's hard to book 12 to 20 calls a day to keep them busy. One truck is always sitting in the shop.
Imagine having 10 trucks to feed with work everyday??? wow
you'd prob-ally be a monopoly
The one man show is a good way to go...3 to 5 jobs a day is pretty realistic for any good local company...
More trucks mean more repair, more wsib, more insurance, more problems.
Any more than 2 trucks could turn into a headache....
I have trouble keeping to up and running ...can you say on staff mechanic??
------------- www.mr-steamer.com
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 21/February/2006 at 10:47am
The Scoop on Tide

You do the math...
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: Steaminpile
Date Posted: 21/February/2006 at 11:27am

------------- A.K.A.
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 21/February/2006 at 12:47pm
Carpetologist wrote:
The Scoop on Tide

You do the math...
| Nope... 10 oz of tide.... same 3 to 5 scoops of F90..nope nope
did the math.... 50lbs of tide is way less....lol
Ted needs to do the math
------------- www.mr-steamer.com
Posted By: Steaminpile
Date Posted: 21/February/2006 at 2:32pm
I actually drove by and saw a CC van cleaning an apartment and saw a box of Tide by the back doors
I almost crashed into the car in front of me from laughing so hard
it's great advertising
------------- A.K.A.
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 21/February/2006 at 4:03pm
Nightrider called the consumer hotline for Proctor & Gamble and had me put on a three way conversation and asked them some straight-up questions regarding using Tide for carpet cleaning.
He may want to share them with us.
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 21/February/2006 at 4:54pm
I have to say that the primary response to my question regarding the usuage of Tide on carpets was that it is NOT recommended and that it is formulated to be used on clothes and other said like materials.
Although she did say that I may use it if I chose to do so......BUT........at my risk, and that Tide in NO WAY endorses any such use other that a laundry detergent.
The formulation for carpet cleaning chemicals are your best choice of product to clean carpets and should not be used to wash clothes with and vise versa.
I was speaking to the head chemist of bio formula studies and assesments of fibre content of outsourced manufacturing and development
That's it in a nutshell, Ted was on the other line when I called.
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 21/February/2006 at 6:05pm
oh you talked to the lead Chemist...??? or the dumb dumb receptionist???
100 bucks says the receptionist
Listen these people don't think out of the box, their answers are scripted..." better safe than sorry" is the motto
Just let the thread die... no need to keep up with this foolishness
------------- www.mr-steamer.com
Posted By: nightrider
Date Posted: 22/February/2006 at 12:09am
You lose Steamer..........Ted recorded the conversation for all the non believers & fools that clean carpets with laundry formulated soap.........that is exactly why you have customers calling you back to complain that their carpet fibres are falling out and sticking to their feet.
Why not wash your hair with furniture oil soap.
After all soap is soap..........right Steamer 
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 22/February/2006 at 12:31am
I don't lose anything......
Ted has a business to protect... unless you guys where talking to the lead chemist, your findings mean nothing.
put your money where your mouth is...
take all the leading detergents to a lab and have them analyed....ask for comparisons.. you'll see for yourself.
no home tests... no crap.. spend the money dont go out looking for free information from the first person that answers the phone.
nightrider your smarter than that
------------- www.mr-steamer.com
Posted By: 77748
Date Posted: 22/February/2006 at 12:32am
There product is sold beyond imagination. Probably caught the the receptionist offguard with alot of technical questions. No real big market for them for carpet cleaners. Our wives buy up the damn product regardless anyways.
Yes, I believe there are lots of people cleaning carpets using the powder tide with alternative bleach. As far as in a tm, I need to do a test. Carpetologist I think concerns are about residue and possibility of resoiling sooner. As far has harm not to worried just as long as you use not too much. Use as Mr. Steamer said. Carpetologist you have that picture with the scoop backwards for a 5 gal solution tank 16 scoops formula 90 and 2 energizers right? 
Posted By: Steaminpile
Date Posted: 22/February/2006 at 12:36am
16 scoops???? holy crap!
I hope you mean 16 ounces
"Why not wash your hair with furniture oil soap. "
have you seen Mr. Steamer???
maybe that's what happened to his hair
------------- A.K.A.
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 22/February/2006 at 12:38am
I gor some hair.....letting it grow
10 oz a gallon...5 x 2oz scoop
ready to rock formula...lol
------------- www.mr-steamer.com
Posted By: 77748
Date Posted: 22/February/2006 at 12:42am
To be totally honest thats what we have been using ? Powder version How many oz per scoop. Damn I have been losing money. 
Posted By: 77748
Date Posted: 22/February/2006 at 12:49am
I use the powder formula 90. But I am reading a Chemspec formula 90 liquid gallon and it says heavily soiling 5 gallon tank use 32 oz of liquid. That's alot of liquid.
And you were saying?
Posted By: Mr.Mike
Date Posted: 22/February/2006 at 12:50am
Steaminpile wrote:
"Why not wash your hair with furniture oil soap. "
have you seen Mr. Steamer???
maybe that's what happened to his hair
------------- I'm positive about the negative...and negative about the positive.
Posted By: Jim Darling
Date Posted: 22/February/2006 at 11:32am
In looking at the label there needs to be a little clarification. The 32 ozs / 5 gallon refers to how much Liquid Formula 90 needs to be put in the 5 gallon concentrate if you run detergent through your metering system.
In most cases from my experience a 5 gallon concenrate pail will clean on average between 3,000 - 5,000 sqauer feet. Hope this helps
------------- Jim Darling
Posted By: 77748
Date Posted: 22/February/2006 at 11:48am
Ok! So every sevral days you can go through a one gallon chemspec liquid 90. When re filling solution in the 5 gallon tank you expect the worst 32 oz per tank. How much a gallon for liquid 90 Carpetologist. Lets do some math. 
Box of tide will last you at least a month for 20 dollars.
As far as I have seeen at least where I am 16 chemspec scoops of powder 90 and 2 energizers theat the heavily soiled rating right? 
Posted By: Jim Darling
Date Posted: 22/February/2006 at 12:10pm
If you are running Powdered Formula 90 through a metering system i recommend no more than 2 scoops / 5 gallon concentrate. if you want to add Energizer, then add only what you feel is necessary for the day.
Energizer is an oxidizer and rrmains effective for only 12 hours. My guess is that 1 scoop / 5 gallons would be more than sufficient
16 scoops will not diliute properly and will cause nothing but problems
------------- Jim Darling