1st Portable Extractor - Buying Decisions
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Topic: 1st Portable Extractor - Buying Decisions
Posted By: maxima
Subject: 1st Portable Extractor - Buying Decisions
Date Posted: 08/March/2006 at 11:03pm
Hello, I am new to the carpet cleaning business and new to this Forum.
Although, I worked for a carpet cleaning company 4 years ago for 8
months using truck mounted units that I vaguely remember much about.
I am going to start with a good portable extractor at first. I have
been educating myself about them for 4 days, And I feel as if I have
searched the end of the internet researching them.
I know they are more time consuming that a truck mount, I also know
that if and when I run into a situation where a vacant apartment is
without power I will be without electricity and hot water for the
machine. In this situation I would want a Generator on the truck with
plenty of extension cords, And A portable with a built in heater to
fall back on as a source of hot water.
Another concern of mine is a customer raising an eyebrow or frowning
upon the fact that I would be brining in a machine, using their water
And electricity. Although, I know a certain percentage of locations
will be un-attended.
Why would I want a portable that has a 20 gallon fresh water tank and
13 gallon waste tank? By the time You dump the waste tank, You might as
well fill your already low 20 gallon fresh water tank. That 20 gallon
tank in terms of specifications does not impress me for this very
reason. So....Why am I seeing these high and lows. Would'nt it make
more sense to have a equal combination such as 16.5 gallon fresh / 16.5
gallon waste making thus optimizing the operating time?
What does everyone think about the Olympus FX88hp?
I'm considering these machines:
Diamiond back
Dirt Invader
Is it true that I would lose suction with a 50ft hose as opposed to a 25ft hose?
Would I really want to operate a rotovac wond with a portable?
Is there a portable that can produce steam? Do I really need steam?
Should I feel confined more towards residential & apartments with a
portable, Or would I be capable of doing commercial jobs also?
Realistically how many times would I refill a portable in a average 3-4 bedroom house?
Thanks In Advance,
Posted By: chris01
Date Posted: 09/March/2006 at 1:16am
Of course you can use a rotovac with a portable, make sure you get good water lift on the portable. And it is not time consuming to refill , really 5 min. I've never used a truck mount, but I'm doing commercial jobs(big ones) and the custommers are incredibly happy with my results (maybe a TM will cut the time earning you more per hour), it's all how you use the equipment that you have avd your technique and chemicals !
Posted By: Ken Harris
Date Posted: 09/March/2006 at 2:20pm
Maxima: You would not need a generator for power if the electric was off as there is power next door that you could purchase or plug into. Just carry a 50 ft heavy duty extention cord.
The olympus is not a good choice. It blows fuses and breakers. Either of the other 2 would work well. Both would work well with a rotovac machine. You do not need steaming hot water with a portable. Far more important are good agitation and good extraction, plus good chemicals for good emulsifing of the soil in the carpet. Small commercial cleaning jobs are very possible as well as long as water supply is not a problem.
Posted By: Michael
Date Posted: 09/March/2006 at 3:02pm
Since the possibility of throwing breakers is always an issue, I 'd recommend getting a seperate circuit indicator, if the unit you purchase doesn't already have one built in.
Any reason you're set on only those machines? In this forum, Recoil 3 seems to be the most popular porty, with the Ninja as a solid second. Just curious.
Posted By: maxima
Date Posted: 09/March/2006 at 7:05pm
I have not commited myself to any certain portable just yet.
Infact, Today I was reading this wonderful forum even further and ran across a post that caught my attention:
A guy was using a Recoil 3 W/ 40 gallon Auxillary tanks.
Im now thinking about a recoil 3 W/ Auxillary tanks. 1 1/2 inch hoses.
Generator & Propane heater. I will leave the portable in the truck.
Does anyone else have this exact modification? How well does it seem to work for You?
Will all of that equipment fit into the back of a Chevy Silverado 2500 pickup truck?
Thanks In Advance,
Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 09/March/2006 at 7:20pm
If money isn't an issue. Get a TM, don't mess around spending over 3-4k or more on porty stuff. Save, save, save.
Have you checked out the Mytee or Timbucktoo line of portables. Spend the least on porty and save for the TM.
Posted By: maxima
Date Posted: 09/March/2006 at 7:42pm
Sure that is the goal I am with You on that. Money is NOT the issue. I have other businesses I'm currently involved in.
The issue is having enough business calls rite now to justify paying to
have a dedicated company truck in the begining. I know I will add
trucks later, But at the moment I am looking for the best portable
setup to begin with.
It is easy for someone in your position to say that, But I am being
very agressive and the phone book deadlines in my area are in 7 days. I
have a 2nd cellphone for this business, So the phone book AD number
will be different from my other business.
I will have full color UV COATED front/back business cards made. from
I already have my foot in the door with 110 restaurants in my area, AS
I know the managers and owners on a first name basis ,from one of my
other businesses.
I will check out the Mytee & Timbucktoo as you suggested, And it is
important for me to know if the modifications I talked about above can
be done with most any portable.
I would want 40 gallon auxillary tanks, propane heater & generator
to be compatible with most any portable I decide on, Or am I confined
to the recoil 3 with those modifications?
Thanks In Advance,
Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 09/March/2006 at 8:08pm
R-3 Quadpak sounds like your best purchase.
Good Luck man.
Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 09/March/2006 at 8:13pm
I guess if I was going to spend all my time cleaning greesy spoons for next to nothing I wouldn't want to waste money on good equipment either. Personally I like to get my wand in the door not my foot. It is the wand that makes me the money. 110 dives and you want a portable?? You should have posted in the portable section.
------------- Just My opinion
Posted By: jtuseo
Date Posted: 09/March/2006 at 8:18pm
Get a mytee speedster
Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 1:48am
Better buy more than 1 if you have that much work ahead of you.
Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 2:59am
Check it out.
http://www.steam-brite.com/carpet_cleaning_machines/portable_extractors.htm - http://www.steam-brite.com/carpet_cleaning_machines/portable _extractors.htm
Posted By: maxima
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 12:25pm
R-3 Quad pack is what I'm seriously considering.
How much more conveinent would the 40 gallon auxillary tanks be? Can 40 gallon tanks last... 3 bedroom house without refilling?
What would be the best choice for heating water, Propane?
Can someone point me in the rite direction for propane heating machine to be used in conjunction with the recoil 3.
Thanks In Advance,
Posted By: Mr Singh
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 9:25pm
I have been waiting many years for Kens worlds most powerful portable
Mr Singh
------------- Namaste
Posted By: maxima
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 9:33pm
Yeah, I read that somewhere in the forum.
Now I'm thinking about the what IF'S....................................................
What if a customer says you stole a $3,000 ROLEX?
What if a customer get electricuted?
What if a grandfatherclock falls over because of my hoses?
What if a Vase gets bumped and breaks?
Posted By: Mr Singh
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 10:07pm
Shiva will strike you down
and your next life you will be a chem dry franchise owner
Mr Singh
------------- Namaste
Posted By: Michael
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 10:14pm
Considering how well Chem-Dry owners do, it wouldn't be such a bad thing.
Posted By: maxima
Date Posted: 10/March/2006 at 10:28pm
One thing I have noticed about this forum is there is alot of joking
around going on and comments that will leave You wondering what in the
world is this person talking about?
After You wade through the garbage there are actually some decent responses to questions in here.
Thanks Again,
Posted By: Michael
Date Posted: 11/March/2006 at 12:41am
To the what-ifs, just get yourself insured.
Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 11/March/2006 at 2:53pm
maxima wrote:
Yeah, I read that somewhere in the forum.
Now I'm thinking about the what IF'S....................................................
What if a customer says you stole a $3,000 ROLEX?
What if a customer get electricuted?
What if a grandfatherclock falls over because of my hoses?
What if a Vase gets bumped and breaks?
What if you just forget about carpet cleaning and start a different business?
------------- Just My opinion
Posted By: jtuseo
Date Posted: 11/March/2006 at 6:42pm
When choosing a good portble follow these important rules.
1. Sucking
2. Pumping
4.Is it Gully?
Sucking it must suck hard and deep to extract the water.
pumping it must pump long and hard for hours deep into the carpet.
humping if its to heavey you cant hump it up and down stairs
Gully do I even have to explain about the Gulliness?
Posted By: maxima
Date Posted: 11/March/2006 at 8:16pm
Yes, what is gulliness?
I'm gulible if I buy one?
Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 11/March/2006 at 9:22pm
You really want HEAT. Part of the cleaning pie.
Did you look for a spitfire 3.2.?? I almost bought one of them.
New I believe they were 12,995.00, too much for a small TM.
Posted By: Michael
Date Posted: 12/March/2006 at 3:41pm
Spitfire 3.2 new is 8995.00 USD through Interlink.
Posted By: jtuseo
Date Posted: 12/March/2006 at 8:25pm
Gully - Tough , rugged, street level, gangsta, If it aint gully it aint right.
Posted By: maxima
Date Posted: 12/March/2006 at 11:11pm
so...... Gully = A Gangster Carpet Cleaner ???
Are You saying the steets are tuff for a carpet cleaner? And A person
would need to be able to stomach knocking on the door and going inside
strange places?
Posted By: jtuseo
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 12:00am
You got it! 
this is a picture of me im 5'7 205 lbs

Posted By: maxima
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 12:18am
Thats no Problem what so ever!
My thinking about the business now is the R.O.I. , How soon can a new cleaner expect to gain return on the equipment alone.
Lets think about it how may carpets would You have to clean to pay off machinery ranging from $5-9K
Thats a lots of dirty carpets And then at that break even point is the
equipment still in good enough condition to keep on going???
Someone please reason with me or help me talk this out, I need to see
some realistic numbers here because just beginning this can be
Posted By: rmcnall
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 10:26am
maxima wrote:
Thats no Problem what so ever!
My thinking about the business now is the R.O.I. , How soon can a new cleaner expect to gain return on the equipment alone.
Lets think about it how may carpets would You have to clean to pay off machinery ranging from $5-9K
Thats a lots of dirty carpets And then at that break even point is the equipment still in good enough condition to keep on going???
Someone please reason with me or help me talk this out, I need to see some realistic numbers here because just beginning this can be discouraging.
You need to go and get more training in buisness management. If you are so worried about breaking things and if you will make any money you are starting off with the wrong frame of mind.
Go do something else like in a factory where you won't hurt yourself or someone else.
IF you can't take risks in life go work a a dounut shop and serve coffee
------------- Join the FIO you will not be sorry
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 10:34am
Max....how serious are you...??
if your starting from nothing you have hell of a hill to climb....
ok say once you get the machine.... do you have a customer list with ready to go custy's??????
if no the hill just got a little steeper...
So you advertise...how is the next question????
flyers on cars or in the mail box...photcopied by you and delivered by you??
Yellow pages....$300 to 5000 per month depending on size of ad..
Newspaper....oneday run or a feature series
Direct Mail
ok you get the calls...do you have someone to answer the phone?? or do you let it go to voice mail??
Voice mail...all you hear is click..I know when I don't have anyone on phones this happens to me....
say if you get the calls....
Do you have a program to keep you organized so you don't double book..
how many calls can you do a day???
say if everyone wants Monday??
man there are so many little hiddens that you don't know until you come across them.
Can I give you a dollar amount...HELL NO but I can tell you this..if it's just a part-time thing most likely you'll fail...it truly is a full time job..
Good luck
------------- www.mr-steamer.com
Posted By: maxima
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 10:38am
You misconstrued my comment, I'm not concerned about breaking
equipment, But did You know there is such a thing as wear and
My concern isnt the making money part, my concern is the ROI, There is a difference.
I have a handful of other ventures to re-invest into, I decifering which will make a quicker return.
I hear about these 80K carpet cleaning trucks, Just curious, how many
miles actually get put on the truck before You break even? Yeah You
might make 80K to pay off the truck, But then will it be time to
replace the truck or buy a new engine for it.....Thats a lot of riding
around, 80K worth of carpet cleaning......
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 10:44am
maxima wrote:
You misconstrued my comment, I'm not concerned about breaking equipment, But did You know there is such a thing as wear and tear?
My concern isnt the making money part, my concern is the ROI, There is a difference.
I have a handful of other ventures to re-invest into, I decifering which will make a quicker return.
I hear about these 80K carpet cleaning trucks, Just curious, how many miles actually get put on the truck before You break even? Yeah You might make 80K to pay off the truck, But then will it be time to replace the truck or buy a new engine for it.....Thats a lot of riding around, 80K worth of carpet cleaning......
| yes but they have a business..or they work for someone with business.....what do you have????
------------- www.mr-steamer.com
Posted By: maxima
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 1:07pm
Disposable income to invest into the carpet cleaning business if I
decide the ROI is comparable to the other industries I'm associated
Posted By: Steaminpile
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 1:21pm
private message Mr.Singh and have a look at his Nordic 1 electric TM also
seems to me for the price of a good porty and accessories you can have an electric TM which IMO looks more professional than a porty
or...........if you can find someone silly enough to part with their Prochem Legend XL I've been VERY happy with mine
small workhorse IMO
------------- A.K.A.
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 1:48pm
Sounds like you will not be doing the cleaning yourself and will be relying on employees.
Suggest you keep it simple.
Sounds like you are attempting to get as close to a truckmount as possible at portable pricing. When firing up these overpowered monsters you will experience fuse blowing problems, awkward and heavy equipment for one operator. More to think about and more to go wrong.
If you already have a handle on 125 restaurants you already have the nucleus of a good business. The extra money you will be spending on labour and chemicals will more than offset the extra for a truckmount.
Go for the Mona Lisa, you will not be disappointed.
And don’t buy propane! Stay away from dangerous open flames. I am sure your insurance agent will agree.
Restaurants and truckmounts are like bacon & eggs they go together.
P.S. If you are a restaurant manager and must stay after your already long shift for security reasons what would you choose:
A 2 hour truckmount job or a four hour porty job? The choice is very clear for most managers and if they are already being cleaned by a truckmount it will be hard to knock them out.
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: Michael
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 2:07pm
Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 2:40pm
Since i bought my TM I am saving many hours per month on my restaurant/resi. acct's..
And lovin'it.......................
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 3:15pm
Ted has a great cimex...which will beat any tm on commercial carpet hands down.

Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 3:34pm
I have given your new endeavor some alternative thought. That’s of course if you don’t take the excellent above advice.
Buy my Drain Vac. Perfect for restaurants and very efficient. Can be a one man operation and equipment can fit in a hatch-back or the trunk of a car for that matter.
You will have 100ft. vacuum capacity, truckmount pressure and hot water in restaurants is as hot as truckmounts. It can stay outside like a truckmount or be taken inside.
http://www.kleenkuip.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=2392&PN=1 - Drain Vac $2,495.00 http://www.kleenkuip.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=2422&PN=1 - Optional Cat Pump 2000 PSI $850.00 http://www.drainvac.com/ - drainvac.com Wand & hoses approx. $700.00
Canadian Funds U.S. approx. 18% less.
You do not require any labour costs to fill and drain this unit and the cat pump can also pressure wash and allow you to clean hard surface floors like kitchens in restaurants. It’s sounding better all the time.
I would not be concerned with the Drain Vac sitting on the toilet because customers will not be in the restaurant when you are cleaning. And the dirty water gets dumped into a toilet anyway regardless of the portable you choose. With the portable you have to pay someone to do it, with the Drain Vac you do not.
I have seen worse things going on in a restaurant kitchen than any carpet cleaning machine in a washroom.
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: maxima
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 3:47pm
Although I have lots of restaurants in my back pocket, I will not
exclude myself from Apartments & Residential work. I need equipment
with diversity!
I'm not interested in pressure wash & hard surface floors, At the moment!
Yes canadian funds = 18% less, But I will be slapped with Duty fees
upon shipping the equipment across the border, that could make up the
18% difference alone
There will NOT be any employees at this point. I believe I found what
I'm looking for in terms of equipment, I'm just waiting on members
replies on a topic I posted in the truckmount discussion which included
Thanks for your suggestions.....That machine You describe, I have the
hardest time NOT judging it based upon the descripition of it, Sitting
on a Toilet!
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 3:52pm
Judging by your questions & comments you sound like a very cautious suspicious and fastidious person and there’s nothing wrong with that. But, be aware that the employees you hire are generally only hanging around long enough until a better job comes along. Most will care more about themselves than you and your customers and your equipment.
Be prepared for aggravating calls from those restaurants in the middle of the night. The nature of most employees is that they do not want the stigma of their friends thinking they are cleaners. And PHD’s wont’ apply.
This is not a fast dollar business and has its share of problems. (You are already in the “what if” stage).
The way I see it is that you are best to go the Drain Vac route for cost cutting, efficiency and simplicity. Utilizing your existing van that you have concerns with. It can be used inside or outside.
If you still are thinking portable truckmount. Looks like you can’t do better than the http://www.carpet-cleaning-equipment.net/prowler_truckmount.shtml - Prowler . Or maybe dougs advice is best. What if you look for an easier more profitable business?
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 4:00pm
One more option…
We have a 10HP 3 phase electric motor mounted on a frame with a #5 Roots Blower and a 2500 PSI Giant Pump. This unit is considered and http://www.kleenkuip.com/used_equipment/used_in-plant_truckmount.htm - In-Plant carpet cleaner for plant cleaning. No reason you could not take it in and out of your van. All you would need is a generator to run it electrically.
With this large blower you could clean faster and dry those carpets quickly and even operate two wands at the same time.
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 5:57pm
There are no longer Duties & Taxes going over the border since NAFTA.
What if your state has serious dirty water dumping laws as many do. Have you considered where the Prowler will be automatically dumping to?
The fines for dumping are heavy. Check it out first.
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: Michael
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 6:16pm
maxima wrote:
Thanks for your suggestions.....That machine You describe, I have the
hardest time NOT judging it based upon the descripition of it, Sitting
on a Toilet!
Are you kidding? I've seen the machine at a local cc store. When I discovered that it would sit on a toilet, I just thought it was brilliant.
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 11:24pm
I personall thing TM on commercial carpet is just one big waste of time....so if thats the machine your going to clean dirty rests with... get ready for call backs, wick backs, going back, and broken back...lol
sounds like the theme for broke back mountain...lol
------------- www.mr-steamer.com
Posted By: Steaminpile
Date Posted: 13/March/2006 at 11:50pm
well if you'd quit using that dang Tide Steamer it's work awesome!!!
actually when it's nasty commercial grade carpet is when a post OP or bonnet does wonders
------------- A.K.A.
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 14/March/2006 at 12:37am
it has nothing to do with tide.....but you wouldn't know that now would you steaminpile....
but why should I explain...
don't knock anything unless you've tried it
------------- www.mr-steamer.com
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 14/March/2006 at 4:00pm
I like what you said but you missed the most important part that hurts the worst.
MONEY BACK to a dissatisfied customer.
Is it not interesting that all this info we are all offering cost us all a lot of money by trial and error not to mention the years of aggravation AND we are offering it all for free.
The internet is a wonderful tool for learning and information. I wonder if anyone is listening.
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: maxima
Date Posted: 14/March/2006 at 4:52pm
I'm sucking it all up, as fast as I can!  
Posted By: jtuseo
Date Posted: 14/March/2006 at 10:42pm
With the prowler just run the dirty water into teh toilet bowl that is what it was designed for!
Posted By: maxima
Date Posted: 14/March/2006 at 10:49pm
You seem not to have such a problem with the Prowler as many of these other members do, Why is that?
Your Confidence in the Prowler makes me want to listen to what You have
to say about it, Because I want to believe, I'm trying to believe it is
the machine for me at the moment, in this particular time in my carpet
cleaning career.
To me it almost seems like a step up from a porty, but a step down from
a truck mount. Which is exactly what I'm looking for, Unless, someone
can convince me otherwise that I would be wasting my money and should
just get the recoil 3 quad pack for NOW.
What do You think?
I just dont want to be confined to residential jobs and apartments, I
want my advertising dollars to work the hardest for me, I wouldnt want
to pay a $200 month phone book bill, only to tell my customers sorry I
dont have big enough equipment to handle your school or restaurant. GET
what I'm saying.
I need diversity without commiting a truck to the job. Something I can
put in a truck and take out on the weekends. Or maybe something
Economical in price that I could put in a Enclosed Trailer.  
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 15/March/2006 at 12:08am
Of course you entertain his love for a prowler...it's what you want to hear.
So many beginners fail because they try to be big on a small budget....
As a professional ..I know I can use a prowler(housewife's tool)...with Carmel for soap
But as a beginner, you're just going to screw up...
A beginner should have professional equipment...and quality cleaning products until they know what they are doing....
it's better you get into a used TM for 10 grand....
you'll love it so much...you'll end up buying a new one...
------------- www.mr-steamer.com
Posted By: jtuseo
Date Posted: 15/March/2006 at 9:09pm
Go for the Prowler. I love mine! Buy it get open . Its going to be much more power than you will need. Plus the fact when you do most commercial jobs you have to use a portable anyway!
live it love learn it clean it
Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 15/March/2006 at 9:19pm
what did u pay for yours ?? have pics to show jtuseo?
Posted By: maxima
Date Posted: 15/March/2006 at 11:49pm
Please share pics I'm anxious to see the set-up You have with the Prowler.
Do You have Auxillary tanks? Plastic or Steel? What Size?
What H.P 12 or 15?
Blower Size?
Thanks In Advance,
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 20/March/2006 at 11:12am
If you look and re-read suggestions that pros have made to you over the last week or so and don't take them you may find yourself productive with more aggravation than you really need.
Since you are not doing this necessarily for money I would now suggest that you scratch the idea and look for a more pleasant way to spend your spare time. The rest of us need to do this to survive.
You still have an out. Take it. This is not an easy business. However you accumulated your money keep doing it. And tell us all how. We may switch.
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 20/March/2006 at 12:36pm
yes..I agree... stop another weekend warrior from screwing up an already screwed up business...lol
------------- www.mr-steamer.com
Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 20/March/2006 at 7:54pm
Just go buy a Hoover and be done with. I think that will be even more than you are capable of?
------------- Just My opinion
Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 21/March/2006 at 10:16pm
Let us know if you have decided to jump into the pool.......there are times that you can ask so many questions that you your self talk yourself out of the adventure. 
------------- The Following Statements do not Necessarily Reflect the Views of this Forum Network
http://www.kleenkuip.com - http://www.kleenkuip.com
Posted By: maxima
Date Posted: 22/March/2006 at 12:40am
I will keep You posted with regards to my equipment buying decisions. Yes, I agree with You.
Did You know in board room meetings there is a terminology for that, it is called: " The Shot Gun Approach "
They say its not good to have too many business's , Makes it hard to
focus, the shotgun shell has a spread and has a tendancy to hit
different objects, As opposed to the rifle, Bullseye, You can focus
better at one target, Translation for that would be increasing the
quality & Profitablility of the current business and making each
individual customer happier.
So the main decision for me is do I want to get into yet another venture.
The 2nd decision I am faced with is the equipment.
Thanks in Advance,
Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 22/March/2006 at 11:51am
Anybody have a pic of the Nordic 1 I keep hearing about??
Hey, Maxima ROI's vary in this industry.
I believe the record for a one man truck is $357,000.00 yr.
SS's around my area pull in close to $2,000,000.00 yr.
Posted By: Mr Singh
Date Posted: 22/March/2006 at 12:07pm
nordic 1 is not a portable
Mr Singh
------------- Namaste
Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 22/March/2006 at 2:10pm
what is it.. electric tm? anyone have a pic of it??
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 27/March/2006 at 12:57pm
Maxima kept us all in suspense. He sucked our brains dry and left us all hanging.
Does anybody think he actuallly purchased equipment of do you think it was just nightrider pullling our chains one more time.
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: Ed Valentine
Date Posted: 28/March/2006 at 8:29am
Your comments are very well taken. I have also thought that if the inquirer asks for help and many extend their hands (thoughts and comments) in good faith, then it would be the honorable response of that individual whom considers himself/herself a good business person, to conclude by Thanking everyone rather than leaving everyone hanging by their short hairs.
This could have been a typical hit & run situation so typical in our Industry------unfortunately.
Good Fortune to all;
Ed Valentine
Posted By: maxima
Date Posted: 12/April/2006 at 1:21am
I am still here. I thank everyone for the time they took to answer my
questions. I have this on the back burner sort of speak until next
year. reason being is because I could NOT reach equipment buying
decisions before the yellow page deadline came around.
Additionally, I will be in the business for the long haul. So I think
it is is my best interest to start with a truck mount. This is not
something I wanted to rush into. I now have a full year or 10 months to
investigate things even further.
Thanks Again.

Posted By: jtuseo
Date Posted: 12/April/2006 at 10:53pm
Listen all portable are the sale!! If you open up the Portable the vacumes and the pumps are made by the same company!! Do it and you will see.
Posted By: maxima
Date Posted: 12/April/2006 at 11:09pm
what do you mean?
all portables are on sale? I did'nt understand the comment.
Thanks in advance. 
Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 13/April/2006 at 2:05am
are the same, meaning vac motors = ametek lamb vacs. some bigger than others. flojet, shurflo or pumtec psi pumps..
Posted By: Ed Valentine
Date Posted: 13/April/2006 at 8:13am
I guess the generic statement: "ALL portables are the same" is the eact same as this one: "ALL TM's are the same" to.
ALL automobiles have the same tires, steering wheel, seats, etc....
HARDLY TRUE. And, after our achievement demands (CE Approval) in design and engineering on several models , that is not only a generic statement, but also an uninformed information.
Good Fortune;
Ed Valentine
http://www.cross-american.com - www.cross-american.com
Posted By: stainsaway
Date Posted: 24/May/2006 at 7:29am
HI from New Zealand
Can you please tell me where I can find the best price for Spitfire 3.2 tm.
------------- felini
Posted By: Ed Valentine
Date Posted: 25/May/2006 at 8:35am
Welcome to Ted's board.
It's coinsidence that we just shipped 3 of our systems to one of your Lads Down Under only a few days ago. Ross Craig, a wonderful Gent.
The very best, sir!
Good Fortune to;
Ed Valentine
http://www.cross-american.com - www.cross-american.com
Posted By: stainsaway
Date Posted: 25/May/2006 at 8:53am
Hi Ed
How much would you charge me for a Spitfire 3.2 then
------------- felini
Posted By: ezvalet
Date Posted: 25/May/2006 at 12:19pm
I have a reCOIL 3 USED TWICE!
i AM Selling it ( I just dont have time.. my other job has been really swamped)
It is made by Cross American.
Let me know if interested.
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 25/May/2006 at 9:47pm
You can find a 3.2 Spitfire on this site under used equipment (Truck Mounts).
I am sure the owner would be willing to take it out of the Van and sell it separately. Only problem now would be to get it down under.
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: stainsaway
Date Posted: 26/May/2006 at 2:44am
Thanks Carpetologist
Yes, checking up the unit and the shiping could be a problem but definetely not a one that can't be solved by two honest and fair gyus -:) I have to do something the next two months.
I will keep checking up your website
------------- felini
Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 29/May/2006 at 12:18pm
Believe me, when purchasing a truckmount take in consideration the integrity of the seller and what kind of mechanical after-service he is capable of and do they have experience behind a 1-800 number. With most truckmounts you are going to need it unless you are very mechanically inclined. Now, don't let this discourage you from buying a truckmount as personally I would never go back into carpet cleaning without one.
Also don't let gas prices 'can' your decision. We will all learn and pay for the high cost of gas. How many people really stop smoking because of the high price of tobacco?
------------- Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc.
http://www.kleenkuip.com - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies
Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 23/September/2007 at 10:07pm
maxima wrote:
I am still here. I thank everyone for the time they took to answer my questions. I have this on the back burner sort of speak until next year. reason being is because I could NOT reach equipment buying decisions before the yellow page deadline came around.
Additionally, I will be in the business for the long haul. So I think it is is my best interest to start with a truck mount. This is not something I wanted to rush into. I now have a full year or 10 months to investigate things even further.
Thanks Again.

Well maxima what did you get...? Just curious.. Almost 1.5yrs has passed..
Date Posted: 11/October/2007 at 5:10pm
Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 11/October/2007 at 5:27pm
Ed Valentine wrote:
"ALL TM's are the same" to
Good Fortune;
Ed Valentine
http://www.cross-american.com - www.cross-american.com |
Your a funny Man Ed..! 
Posted By: Ed Valentine
Date Posted: 15/October/2007 at 2:20pm
John L;
"Your a funny Man Ed..!"
.........so are you!!!!
Ed V
Posted By: ezebill
Date Posted: 21/October/2007 at 1:37am
Maxima i have been reading your questions and other peoples replies, i have been cleaning for almost 1 year and have done pretty good. I have out 850 hours on a Boxxer 421 in 10 months, i can tell you buying a portable to do resturant business you'd have to be crazy, i spoke with another cleaner who has been in business for 18 months and he is phoning previous customers and not getting return business because he uses a portable, he cleans 1200 sq feet and it takes 4 hours he charges approx $ 200.00 for the job i can do the same job in 1.5 hours and also charge $ 200.00 basically he can do 1/2 the jobs in one year so lets say for easy numbers i can do 1000 hours in 1 year that equals $ 100,000. ( $ 100 per hour x 1000 hours ) if my competition can do 1000 hours times $ 50.00 per hour equals $ 50,000.00 you tell me if a TM is worth your time. If your serious about getting return busines get a truck mount if you want to work part time and not get repeat customers use a protable
Posted By: ezebill
Date Posted: 21/October/2007 at 1:40am
Maxima i forgot to add you don't have to buy a new Van, i bought a 6 x 12 trailer had a aluminmum tank mounted on the front of the trailer and out a slide in TM into it. Trailer's run approx $ 3000.00. probably only will work if you not in a hugh city as parking could be an issue
Posted By: darrlowe
Date Posted: 24/October/2007 at 1:22am
Hi Jason. I'm new at this biz. What is a recoil 3 quadpak and what does it do? Thanks Darrlowe.
Posted By: ezvalet
Date Posted: 24/October/2007 at 8:54am
It is a great portable system.
I have everything.. hoses, reels, wand & power booster.
I only used it 3 times. (never had the time to start my business, my other company got very busy).
I have had it just sitting here.
I can get you a price breakdown if you would like & you could make me an offer!
Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 25/October/2007 at 1:53pm
Chris.. what porty did you get?
Posted By: DeepScrub
Date Posted: 25/October/2007 at 3:51pm
Like a old carpet cleaner told me my friend it's all about the work you put in it.Good machines and great equpiment help a lot no question.However it's the cleaner not the machine.Honestly we could all most likely clean anything with a bucket, brush,soap/water, and wet-vac.
------------- "DO YOUR BEST"
Posted By: bubbula
Date Posted: 26/December/2007 at 8:27pm
interested in buying the recoil...very serious
Date Posted: 24/January/2008 at 11:01am
buy the cheapest equipment you can find...and go in there and sell the sh*t out of them
Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 24/January/2008 at 1:09pm
bubbula wrote:
interested in buying the recoil...very serious |
Well bubbula.. What ya waiting for..? Christmas.. 
Posted By: ezvalet
Date Posted: 24/January/2008 at 4:56pm
I have a recoil, with a booster. Used only a few times.
Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 25/January/2008 at 12:06am
How much..? Got pics you can post..? Booster? The one inside the shell or the other one.?
Posted By: vernonpurcell
Date Posted: 24/May/2008 at 6:24am
I have had a lot of experiance with portables over the last 22 years from all the US manufactures. This is just what I would buy Ninja 500 2 X 2 stage vac inline water heater. Now the pump must be the pumptec with a fasco motor, these last years, but change the by-pass spring to a 200 psi spring. This will be an excellent choice. The wand should be a twin jet s- bend wand with 2 x 11015 jets, this will keep a constant pressure of 200 psi coming out of your tips and hitting the carpet. You should also consider buying a inline sprayer with ajustable dilutions. this cuts your carpet preconditiong down, then just use a rise agent to rince of the preconditioner. The best preconditioning agent and rinse agent I have used and still use it is from a company called Lee Soaps formally Carpet Plus in Denver.
THey are inexpensive and they really really work. Your machine will have extended life if you use a rinse agent as you will not get limescale bild up in your heater or pump head.
Posted By: MBCC
Date Posted: 25/May/2008 at 1:24am
I know this post is dated, but I would definitely recommend looking into the SOLUS 500R mfr by U.S. Products. I use one so if you have any questions I would be happy to answer.
------------- "Quality service guaranteed"
Posted By: Just Ol' Willy
Date Posted: 27/May/2008 at 9:01am
MBCC wrote:
I know this post is dated, but I would definitely recommend looking into the SOLUS 500R mfr by U.S. Products. I use one so if you have any questions I would be happy to answer. |
And you should listen to the Rear Admiral,and benefit from his veritable weeks of experience!I wonder if he's figured out his a$$ from his elbow yet....      
Hey Gilligan, when you figure out how to get the moisture eliminated from behind your auditory appendages, you'll have a yardstick to measure with.

Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 27/May/2008 at 11:31am
Saleman always backup their products as the most this and that.. Even if its not true.. And a rare one say their unit is the most powerful and its True and you know who I'm talking about..
Posted By: Just Ol' Willy
Date Posted: 28/May/2008 at 3:25pm
John, it makes me shake with laughter when some wet behind the ears rookie alleged cleaner/salesman comes here with, I think as of today, 89 jobs experience, and starts telling us old farts that by such tried and failed recipes like low ball pricing is gonna make him a millionaire! Whenever I learned, I learned by listening and asking, not coming on like gangbusters and knowing all the answers before the question gets asked. I feel sorry for the guy being such a dough head. On the other hand, I would be more than willing to teach him some stuff, but he knows it all, so I won't bother. Friggin' plebes.....
Posted By: MBCC
Date Posted: 28/May/2008 at 7:56pm
I joined this forum to contribute. If you think that somehow your "vast knowledge" of the carpet cleaning business is superior to mine thats fine. I have never made the statement that I know it all. When I do have questions, and I have had many, I go directly to the experts. And that won't be you, or John L, or any other so called "professional" who carries on in such a childish manner as you are.
I have already had to report your post to the moderators for inserting the words (I'm a salesman) into my quote. They changed it. I would never conduct professional business with a guy like you who finds this type of behavior amusing.
If you are a professional... try acting like one. Experience and respect are two different things. If you want the latter earn it.
------------- "Quality service guaranteed"
Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 29/May/2008 at 2:04am
Ya Rat... It's also about having some fun and a high sense of humor.. Nobody knows it all.. Won't buy nuttin from you..
By by Big Baby..
Posted By: Just Ol' Willy
Date Posted: 02/June/2008 at 10:12am
MBCC- First off, grow a back bone and toughen your hide. Be a MAN, not a school girl. We're a tough bunch in this trade, unlike the pansies you encountered in your previous work life. Running to whine to mommy like a spoiled child won't get you any respect either. I never liked stool pigeons, or do most people. You're creating your own heat by being a blow hard. We're all willing to offer our help, but you seem to spurn any critique of your business plan. I see big holes- no saving for the inevitable rainy day, no fund for new equipment, no fund for a new vehicle as they wear out quick in this business. There's a lot of other variables to consider too.41 k a year is chump change compared to the possibilities. BTW- If you can put out 500 sf an hour via porty, with a vac and scrub, then you must wear a red cape and spandex with a big S in the middle or you're doing crappy work. Those numbers just don't add up. That's an honest assessment. Most don't like honesty.