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Dougs Opinion

Printed From: Carpet Cleaning Forum
Category: Carpet Cleaners Discussion
Forum Name: Water Damage and Fire Damage Restoration Discussion
Forum Description: Discuss anything relating to fire and water damage restoration
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Topic: Dougs Opinion
Posted By: We Dry
Subject: Dougs Opinion
Date Posted: 18/May/2004 at 9:33pm
Lets let Doug shower us with his thoughts

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 18/May/2004 at 10:15pm

Well Mr. Mathew N. Lozecki., ASD, WRT CDT International Inc. CAT Director of Network Development: I see you were smart and dropped all the titles good move.  I also see you  had to go to your WRT manual to see if water extraction comes before drying.  I see you must have also checked your manual to find the equipment list for a restoration van good move.  You see all your fancy titles mean Jack Sh*t to me.  Oh and by the way someone already beat you and started a topic for me.  You will just have to get in line like the rest to curse me. I was just in the process of leaving but I didn't want to let you down so I thought I would reply and shower you with my thoughts of your  imput so far.  Good job you have a manual close at hand I would hate to see you in a spot for an answer.Guitar


Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 18/May/2004 at 10:23pm

I see Doug

So this is how you greet new viewers to this forum. You obviously know this gentleman and by the way you are writing you don't like him or he is your competitor in the restoration field.

Is it a full moon or has my Master lost his sense of humor.

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Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 18/May/2004 at 10:39pm
Adwa:  I never heard of him.  I am leaving to make room for people of Like Mr. Lozecki and he is not my competitor.  I am not the welcome wagon all I did was ask him a question and here we are so to hell with it.  Oh I am not the good humor man either. Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 18/May/2004 at 10:39pm
Originally posted by doug doug wrote:

Well Mr. Mathew N. Lozecki., ASD, WRT CDT International Inc. CAT Director of Network Development:   You see all your fancy titles mean Jack Sh*t to me. 

DAMN doug your sounding like me more and more everyday. ok my secret is out... I am doug too

Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 18/May/2004 at 10:44pm
Only in your dreams Steamer 

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Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 18/May/2004 at 10:46pm
it's something I would say

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 18/May/2004 at 10:49pm
Than why in the hell didn't you say it.  I am sick and tired of you being the silent partener.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 18/May/2004 at 10:50pm
I did...I did...I did see that putty cat.....

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 18/May/2004 at 10:52pm
Can anybody tell me why this topic was started??????????Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 18/May/2004 at 10:57pm
he wants to shut your know it all ass up????

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 18/May/2004 at 10:59pm
Mr. Steamer:  Good answer. At least your not affraid to tell some people what you think of them!!  Even if it is always me.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: We Dry
Date Posted: 19/May/2004 at 9:14am

So Doug......You seem to have the answers for everything.

I honestly wish that I was as smart as you and had all the answers as you do!

And as far as the WRT manual,  these are facts and figures that I work with everyday. I am not being smart by asking a simple question. But I guess my opinion is wrong in your eyes. But as Im reading all these logs everyones opinions are wrong or they just arent as good as your answers. O well...

My credientials, I didnt know that this board was cut throat like this..Well with some people I figured that this is what this board is talk about restoration/industry news......Im appologize if I offended you in any way.

P.S......I wont  give me opinions anymore....

Posted By: We Dry
Date Posted: 19/May/2004 at 9:26am

Everyone....Doug also has

Doug CR Certifed Restorer  ASCR



Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 19/May/2004 at 9:28am
Mr. We Dry, Drying or what ever:  I don't like being singled out.  I asked you a questioin and apparently it ruffled your feathers.  You informed me the question was for Brian,  who I may add agreed with me.  It sounds to me that there is only one way and that is your or the wrong way.  All opinions are much appreciated on this board and always will be so  if your opinions are not open for discussion maybe you should keep them to yourself if you are going to pout everytime someone disagrees with you.  Oh? what happened to  your title???Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: We Dry
Date Posted: 19/May/2004 at 9:34am
lol Doug.......Maybe you didnt read what I comments are open for talk.....Im not offeneded at all......

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 19/May/2004 at 10:32am
WE Dry:  Maybe we can start over.? Im glad you are here. You might have already noticed I am not that bright and I need things explained to me.  So I question everyone, some answer some just get pi**ed off.   On the bright side I am on my way out.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: We Dry
Date Posted: 19/May/2004 at 10:51am

hey Doug...No problem....Lets start over........

Hey...I dont get pissed I get even........Its a fun industry that we are in isnt it.......I love meeting new people and hearing what they have to say about the industry.

Talk to ya soon!


Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 19/May/2004 at 11:19am
We Dry:  Your already doing ok. That my favorite line I don't get mad I get even>Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: We Dry
Date Posted: 19/May/2004 at 11:35am

k, Im out....Heading to TO to where all the BIG losses are!


Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 21/May/2004 at 10:46pm
We Dry:  Did you get to the  Windsor area this week?Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 30/May/2004 at 8:47am
Mr.  We Dry:  I have been around this board threw good and bad.  But I have taken a few good hits and survived.  But to survive I did not use the theory of Bulls**t baffles brains the people on this board were not born yesterday.  I know this because no one could become diverse as some of the posters are in just one day.  I don't display my certifications as you did when you tried to impress the hall out of everyone with your signature of success which has gone by the way side.  If you want respect on this board then don't treat every like a god damm fool or it will come back and bit you in the ass.

Just My opinion

Posted By: We Dry
Date Posted: 30/May/2004 at 9:27am

Hye Doug......Hows it going.....

This is a krazy board least i know if i want excitment I can come here!.....

I sent equipment to Windsor, Sarnia, Toronto, Barrie, Coldwater and Owen Sound....On Saturday I was still delivering more equipment...

I thought that this board was to come and talk....and aobut the credientials...I didnt know that no one has not put theres on there name. Truthfuly, I am just use to using them after my name......I duno.....Wel....Talk to ya soon eh!

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 30/May/2004 at 2:28pm
Mr. WE DRY:  I happened to notice that you tried to discredit me by mocking my certifications.  You are a good reason for me not to advertise my own accomplishments.  I did not put them in here to brag about them as you apparently tried to do.  I prefer to be one of the guys in what ever I do I am not one to boast of my achievements I prefer to sit back and learn from others.  A person who feels thay already know everything  is a big threat to not only themselves but those around them.  I don'g go looking for trouble it just has a way of finding me.  I usualy don't get involved till someone tries to bulls**t everyone.

Just My opinion

Posted By: We Dry
Date Posted: 30/May/2004 at 2:30pm


I must say....I have better things to do with my time then to sit here and listen to pathetic bullsh*t like what you have to say...

have a good one!


Posted By: BigRed
Date Posted: 30/May/2004 at 2:53pm

Let me help you out here Doug.

We Dry how long have you been at this business for?

Posted By: TGIF
Date Posted: 30/May/2004 at 3:02pm
Doug: On one of the posts I read I noticed you had written that you were an IICRC supervisor.  What is that?  I have never heard of it before. 

Big Red:  I will try to answer that in the Ask Doug topic;  I do not want to cross contaminate this topic.Guitar

Here, let me try this again lol.

Posted By: BigRed
Date Posted: 30/May/2004 at 3:04pm
Thanks TGIF

Posted By: We Dry
Date Posted: 30/May/2004 at 3:37pm

2 months

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 30/May/2004 at 3:42pm
Mr. We Dry:  You still have not answered my question.  Do you or do you not operate a disaster restoration co????  Now How pathetic is that Instien??  Sticks and Stones Mr. We Dry?  I have noticed when people get confused it is better to make a personal attack on me than to just answer the god daam question.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: BigRed
Date Posted: 30/May/2004 at 4:46pm

Doug:  I like your style.  You seem like you have a common sense about this business.  Why exactly do you want We Dry to answer your question.  I know the answer.  Is it to satisfy your curiosity or are you trying to get an answer for the panel.  It is obvious this guy is shying away from your blunt & direct question.  Is that not enough of an answer for you?? 

I asked him how long he has been at this business for and he give a smart ass reply of 2 months.  Either he dodges the question or he gets smart. 

In my opinion I don't care what IICRC certifications you have.  Its what you have accopmplished and for how long as well as the training.  I have been at this for years.  My WRT was achieved in the early 90's.  I have practiced the s-500 standards through two revised issues.  I know the industry like I do my wife.  What really kills me is as soon as someone gets there WRT & ASD they feel we are all on a level playing field.  I hate writing like this because it may be taken the wrong way.  I am not tooting my own horn.  I just want to know how long WE Dry has been at this for.  I would also like to know why KK has not commented on the Flood Work Forum it sur looks like he is renting their equipment.  I also am one of KK's customers and when I went to the CDT site as the other fellow did, I found he was right it did look to be the same equipment and literature.

Whats up with that?  Has my supplier somehow become indirect competition to me?  Ted help me understand.  Put me at ease.



Posted By: We Dry
Date Posted: 30/May/2004 at 4:57pm

Mr. BigReg....


To each there own.............We are probably on the same level....But maybe you do not think that!

Posted By: BigRed
Date Posted: 30/May/2004 at 5:17pm

Ok, you win.  We probably are.  Ive only been doing this for 2 months also.  Come to think of it Doug probably has also.  I guess this indusrty is like the carpet cleaning industry.  Buy an extractor, product, a small van, take the IICRC carpet cleaning coarse, pass it & now you are on the same level as everyone else.  Thats what kills me is that you can doo all this within 2 months.

Somebody just shoot me.  I wasted all this time learning what I have when it could have only taken 2 months. 

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 03/June/2004 at 10:51pm
I am still a believer that the reconition of certifications that ASCR offers are just as important or any other group for that matter as IICRC.  Education is education and in some cases the same instructor instructs the cource for the other organization.  It just so happens that the insurance industry reccommends IICRC but do not pass up an oportunity to attend other schools even if it is to attain cecs.  Never give up a chance to expand your knowledge in this ever changing industry.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 04/June/2004 at 7:39pm
Wow!  After everybody making such a big splash regarding water damage everyone has dried up.  I would guess with all the recent weather they have doned their capes and are rescueing all the stranded water logged people in south western Ontario.  Do you think?Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 10/June/2004 at 6:50pm
I can't figure this out. We Dry started this post  and now he dried up and blew away. Guess he didn't like my opinions.  Could that be?  I certainly hope not.  I thought we had a good thing going and he seemed to be such a despised man by others.  What ever could he have done to gain everyones mistrust in such a drastic way?  That could not have been an easy task.  But I can only go by what I read as I don't know him personaly. I am not sure if that Guitaris a good thing or a bad thing. 

Just My opinion

Posted By: We Dry
Date Posted: 10/June/2004 at 8:04pm
Hey....Im not gone, we have been a litle busy.....Still looking at the board once in a while....

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 10/June/2004 at 8:08pm

Originally posted by We Dry We Dry wrote:

Hey....Im not gone, we have been a litle busy.....Still looking at the board once in a while....

We Dry:  Glad you are still around.  Sparing parteners are hard to come by.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: We Dry
Date Posted: 10/June/2004 at 11:10pm true isnt it....

Posted By: LilNiteRidrhood
Date Posted: 11/June/2004 at 10:06pm
We Dry is here to stay.

Posted By: We Dry
Date Posted: 11/June/2004 at 11:31pm

I am for good!



Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 12/June/2004 at 7:35am
WE Dry:  Maybe Lee and Ted should hold an open house especially for you so everyone can get ot know you as good as they do.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: LilNiteRidrhood
Date Posted: 13/June/2004 at 10:45am

C'mon Doug, I'm not his shill.

Just saying he offers a needed service and offered the names of people who could help me in an emergency situation.

Give the kid a chance. He is his own man.

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 13/June/2004 at 12:20pm
Lee:  Since you and Ted are the only ones who seem to be sticking up for this guy, I thought it would be the right thing to do.  I personally don't know him, only what I have heard and read.  I rest my case..  I will say no more on this subject as it seems to be a tender issue.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: Clean&dry
Date Posted: 13/June/2004 at 6:11pm
Buyer Beware! Buyer Beware!

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 13/June/2004 at 10:59pm

Let me make it simple for you doug....Ted and Lee must have an invested interest...

Yanno their monies are in bed with his monies to make more monies...

Their monies are doing the nasties together... If your monies got in bed with their monies doug... you'd be saying the same

My monies can't seem to get into bed with any fertile monies...Thats why I defend NO MAN...

It's the I'll scratch yours if you scratch mine

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 14/June/2004 at 3:15pm
Mr. Steamer:  Those are pretty powerful statements!!!  I thought I had nerve.  But you certainly call it as you see it.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 14/June/2004 at 6:23pm

Steamer and Doug

It's distributor helping his customers.

I have been doing it my whole career. Now if I can make a commmision on it so much the better. But I never even ask. And many times don't even get a thank-you.

Oh well, I am still in business so what do I have to complain about.

Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies

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