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North America’s Love Affair...

Printed From: Carpet Cleaning Forum
Category: Carpet Cleaners Discussion
Forum Name: Scotchgard and Teflon Fabric Protection
Forum Description: Discuss scotchguard and teflon fabric protection technologies
Printed Date: 19/February/2025 at 12:25am
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Topic: North America’s Love Affair...
Posted By: carpetologist
Subject: North America’s Love Affair...
Date Posted: 28/May/2004 at 8:46pm

North America's Love Affair with Telfon and Scotchguard.

And it is already pre-sold for you, by the seller of the carpet on tv. Many of my customers say they don't use it because no one ever asks for it. A salesman does not wait for them to ask. You are supposed to ask them.

Stop complaining about business. Bend down and pick up the money.





Are you getting the message yet?

FOr those who say it doesn't work. Come to my store for a demo. The proof is in the pudding.

Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 31/May/2004 at 4:17pm
It's great for doubling that and it works to...I love to demo it

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 08/June/2004 at 6:33pm
Who here ...things that gard works??????

Posted By: splash_$$$_dash
Date Posted: 08/June/2004 at 7:38pm
it works but in high traffic only 90 days and on a busy sofa forget it.

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 09/June/2004 at 4:21pm
it works great on that test paper you get from

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 10/June/2004 at 6:08am
But as mentioned in alot of other post...this stuff is killing the applicator,  it help on one hand and hurts on the other..

Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 17/June/2004 at 7:28am

Once in awhile I am shocked and have nothing to say. This happened last week and believe me it doesn't happen often.

I was telling a customer that Stainshield carpet protector was on sale and he said who cares I just charge the customer for the guard and spray down water, the customer doesn't know the difference anyways. 

I'm not naive, I have heard of this rip off but never had I heard it as boldly and nonchalantly to my face. At the time I just looked at him walking out the door and didn't really know what to say.

Next time I see him I would like to say something to him that would make a difference if that is possibly with someone like that. Any suggestions!!!?

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Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 17/June/2004 at 11:14pm

If he's spraying water .... nothing will ever matter to him...the man is no good...and you should tell him..

"Hey Dude you're a NO GOOD GUY"

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 05/August/2004 at 6:38am

How much of you people out there really spray gard????? when you mix it do you make sure your dilutions are correct???? do you spray enough on the carpet???? do you have a proper gard sprayer???

these are the question I'd like answered

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 05/August/2004 at 6:09pm
Mr. Steamer:  Inquiring minds need to know.  We apply our gard with a Hydroforce sprayer.  No mixing, no mess and no guessing.  You can change the metering for commerical or residential, so far so good.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 05/August/2004 at 6:11pm

Thats the best way to's the only way you'd ever get the proper coverage.... I seen guys putting it on with cheap pump up sprayers, on just mist.... there is now way the carpet is getting the right amount of protection....

But home services are a rip off anyways

Posted By: Roy D
Date Posted: 21/November/2004 at 4:32pm
If your using a metering hydroforce sprayer, the one with a knob on the side to adjust, you better check it in a bucket of water, it dosn't meter correctly, go back to the one where you change out the colored orifice.  Mine was way off, I had 3 of them and all of were wrong, about 1 1/2 years old.


Posted By: Billy Barty
Date Posted: 13/November/2023 at 12:34pm
It's funny how some customers might not realize they want carpet and upholstery protection until you bring it up.

Salesmanship 101, right? The art of not waiting for customers to ask but proactively suggesting what could make their carpet and furniture last longer. Customers don't jump on the Teflon and Scotchgard train because, well, no one's popped the question.

How do you suggest Teflon and Scotchgard to your customers? And why wouldn't you? It's a happy customer and more $$ in your pocket.

When I clean it, I mean it! :)

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