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Printed From: Carpet Cleaning Forum
Category: Carpet Cleaners Discussion
Forum Name: Business Marketing Advertising and Promotion Discussion
Forum Description: How do you successfully promote your business? Offer and receive advertising tips
Printed Date: 19/February/2025 at 4:46am
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Topic: Telemarketing
Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Subject: Telemarketing
Date Posted: 10/June/2004 at 6:12am

Telemarketing sucks for promoting your business...too many people calling now a days to sell everything from A to Z.... people just hang up

ya hear that nightrider aka phone boy

Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 10/June/2004 at 7:25am

From some of the Companies I hear that Telemarketing is working for them. It all depends on how talented the person selling the product is.

Steamer you most be in a bad mood this morning everything sucks to you. It must be the Gemini in you ah 

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Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 10/June/2004 at 1:49pm
I'm personally sick of telemarketers...before they get to say a word I say "take me off your list...good bye"

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 17/June/2004 at 11:20pm
I'm sick of them too Mr. Steamer.... I guess I'll answer myself

Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 18/June/2004 at 7:34am

Funny guy Steamer. I can remember you being two people and came up with more than just a one liner.

I find it hard sometimes to be rude to the person that is selling on the phone. I always think that this is their job and most to me sound nervous.

 Now the aggressive telemarketer I can handle with a simple, I am just visiting and have no idea when the owner will be coming home Thank You unless of course I am interested in what they have to say.

That is the key Steamer, who out there is interested, some are and some aren't. Hopefully you can get enough customers to make the night worth while (Telemarketing)

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Posted By: surroundings
Date Posted: 29/June/2004 at 5:43am
The only places I telemarket are busineses, and all I call about is to get the name of the person I need to introduce myself to for a chance to quote.  Many times, I get to speak to the person straight away.  If not, I send them an introduction letter, then call 'em back the day after I figured that they'd get the letter.  On more then one occasion, the person who answers the phone requested information for themselves personally.  Heck, at home they want to relax, but while on the clock, they'll talk.



Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 05/August/2004 at 6:34am
I've got something better than telemarketing.... something that will increase your business 10 fold

Posted By: surroundings
Date Posted: 09/August/2004 at 4:24am
Join a franchise?

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 09/August/2004 at 11:08pm

franchise.... no way... never never never!!!

door to door sales....  It works great... you send out a crew to a sub-division.... armed with a little hand held spot remover and a spotting kit.

they knock on doors, give in home estimates, book calls and take out any little spots the cust may have for free.

Why is it good???... It gets you into the home... it lets you provide a little free service.... it'll get you the job

you pay your crew an hourly rate....and a percentage of the call..

This one I should keep for myself.......cuz it works

Posted By: surroundings
Date Posted: 10/August/2004 at 1:11am
Mr. Steamer....

Good one!!! 

Sure, I've done letterbox drops and direct mailers, and cold called businesses, telemarketed (businesses only!) to a minute amount of success.... but that is a very very tasty idea.

You've actually tempted me to put one of those briefcase HWEs higher up on my shopping list.

So you'd have one in a subdivision, and say three 'reps' working the quotes.  When one of the reps needed the machine, I'd pop out & do the deed.

Sweet..... very sweet.


Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 10/August/2004 at 9:22pm

It's all about getting your foot in the door..... a good looking sales man a spot cleaner, and a card with the number to call you...

People in the GTA will soooooon only know and  or want MR. STEAMER

Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 10/August/2004 at 10:23pm
Mr. Steamer:  I think you are right. People have come to want you.  I think I seen your picture on America's Most Wanted.  I think it was something to do with you rejecting all those hussies who come on to you while you are trying to do their cleaning??Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 10/August/2004 at 11:42pm

If there is such a thing for carpet cleaning...I want to be America's Most Wanted.

I'm not sexy, but I can clean the panties right from under any woman....

I just clean sexy......I know how to use Cleaning as a sexy weapon

Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 11/August/2004 at 7:16pm

Wish I could be around more to chat but work and baseball has monopolized most of my time lately, but I just had to jump in for a moment to say I am enjoying you Steamer walking around in your own Bull sh*t. Will I be around to see you choke, who knows but you sure are entertaining.

There should be a reality show like Out Back Jack just for you Steamer and they should call it, I don't know, maybe Doug you should name that tune. I see your still strumming along Doug.

On second thought maybe after saying all this you might tell me not to come back here with my sarcasm.   Love a sense of humour 

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Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 11/August/2004 at 11:44pm

what Adwa you want your carpets cleaned to.... I'm not just a good cleaner... I'll be the best you have ever had.. I know how to work every little fiber from the back to the front and back to the back when it comes to carpet.

My wand should be bronzed!!!!!!

Posted By: Suction
Date Posted: 11/August/2004 at 11:52pm
wow this has turned into a blue forum overnight... XXX rated

Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 12/August/2004 at 12:13am

I bet your wand is as small as your mind Steamer and maybe you should have it bronzed and post a picture here on the forum. We could all use a good laugh.

Steamer do you also have wet carpet dreams every night about yourself or does your ego allow for such foolishness. This is your favorite saying is it not.

Suction there is no xxx rated going on here just a friend playing head games with another friend. No offense to anyone.

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Posted By: surroundings
Date Posted: 12/August/2004 at 8:28am
I lick rugs for fun... I clean them for profit.

(oh, man... I can't believe I just posted that!)

Posted By: carpetologist
Date Posted: 12/August/2004 at 6:15pm
Originally posted by MR. STEAMER MR. STEAMER wrote:

franchise.... no way... never never never!!!

door to door sales....  It works great... you send out a crew to a sub-division.... armed with a little hand held spot remover and a spotting kit.

they knock on doors, give in home estimates, book calls and take out any little spots the cust may have for free.

Why is it good???... It gets you into the home... it lets you provide a little free service.... it'll get you the job

you pay your crew an hourly rate....and a percentage of the call..

This one I should keep for myself.......cuz it works


We have always loved your posts but have noticed you usually hold back on really, really good info you could share but normally don't. I commend you on your post of free spotting door to door offering a business card and an introduction to your company.

How could they say no??? Excellent info!

The cash is there for all of us. We just have to bend over and pick it up.

Kleen Kuip Supply Mart Inc. - New & Used Professional Carpet Cleaning Machines, Restoration Equipment, Training, Service and Supplies

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 12/August/2004 at 10:24pm
Originally posted by Adwa Adwa wrote:

I bet your wand is as small as your mind Steamer and maybe you should have it bronzed and post a picture here on the forum. We could all use a good laugh.

Steamer do you also have wet carpet dreams every night about yourself or does your ego allow for such foolishness. This is your favorite saying is it not.

Suction there is no xxx rated going on here just a friend playing head games with another friend. No offense to anyone.

I'm the best darn rug sucker in all of the GTA... and when I take my wand out of my truck I mean BUSINESS.  You may laugh at first, but when it's all said and done it will be the best rug servicing you've ever had.  Or your money back

Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 12/August/2004 at 10:43pm

Steamer I don't get you sometimes. Ted, Doug and I have told you that you are an intelligent young man who obviously believes in himself.

Why oh why do you not go on your own and break away from these big companies who are sucking our industry dry.

Stop playing safe and thinking small, that is why you want to dip your wand in Bronze. Go for the Gold and Fly Baby Fly.

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Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 13/August/2004 at 2:22pm
Adwa I'm a one man show... I can't control everything you need to run a big named outfit...   The routing.. maintenance... repairs...  I need money to run the advertising and office correctly...  I don't trust anyone to do my cleaning I can't do everything

Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 13/August/2004 at 8:53pm

Plus what I have on my side is..... I GIVE SERVICE!

I pull at least 15 to 20 calls a week just personal service calls, which I was refered by someone....  no matter how much money you spend on advertising word of mouth is GOLDEN...

A lot of cleaners don't pull what I pull and they advertise.. You all think I'm full of myself... good....cuz I can be... NO LIES I"M JUST THAT DAMN GOOD.

Posted By: surroundings
Date Posted: 14/August/2004 at 5:50am
You're not gonna run a big named outfit.... yet.

First, get a secretarial service to put all the addresses from your diary or invoice books into an Excel spreadsheet, cause you're gonna write a letter to them.

The letter talks simply about a new carpet cleaning business, and how you've had years of experience with "BRAND NAME COMPANY HERE"

Then you put a picture of Mr. Steamer, and a discount voucher. They'll get it.

Secretarial services have changed. They can and will take all your incoming calls, and answer them exactly how you want them to.  They'll only charge you for the number of phone calls they recieve, and they're more flexiable in what they say.  With the proper script, they are your support staff.

Telemarketers for hire are avaliable.  Have them call the higher end suburbs.

So you've got no staff, so you don't need an office.  If you don't like the sound of all that, then see if there's any government grant to hire someone who's been long-term unemployed.  Then find yourself that gem that is a trained & talented secretary who's re-entering the workforce parttime now that her kids have grown up.  Often you'll find that their previous experience is closer to running a business for thier boss, rather then just being a boss' secretary. She may even teach you a thing or two.

Use the equity in your home to take out a personal loan to get you started.  Reparis?  You won't be doing 5 or 6 calls a day, so they decrease.  I'm sure that whatever supplier you decide to use will have a reputable service department. Get a second hand machine as your back-up.  Mount it in a trailer rather then in the van's body.  If you ever do get an off-sider, then you can drop them off at a job this way as well.

You control the pricing now, and you retain all the profits.  It's your decision to either become big, with two or three staff, or just run a lifestyle business that gives Mr. Steamer more time to do Steamy stuff.


stay where you are


Posted By: doug
Date Posted: 14/August/2004 at 6:23am
Allen:  Is there a chapter two?  You are certainly a motivated guy  looking to asist where needed.  I wll say no more.Guitar

Just My opinion

Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 14/August/2004 at 11:08pm

Allen some good information you gave and very creative.

What I am saying to Steamer is that I can see a lot of potential in him but what ever floats his boat is OK too.

It can be hard to break away and take that next step when you are already relying on what ever you have to support the growing family and the other responsibilities that never seem to stop coming at ya.

Most times it takes money to back you in your adventure and a great support system. This at most times can be hard to come by especially as the years go by.  I'll say no more

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Posted By: MR. STEAMER
Date Posted: 15/August/2004 at 11:12am
Everyone can talk, good advise is real easy to find... but things don't always workout the way we would like them too...

Posted By: Rick/Magic
Date Posted: 18/February/2005 at 5:01pm
I hate telemarketers too...true story...we got this company..Delux Carpet Cleaning...that calls me all the time...on my business phone...I answer "Magic Carpet Cleaning"...and they always go right into their sales pitch...I stop them and ask "Hey, how did I just answer the phone?"...and they reply "Magic Carpet Cleaning"...I then say "well, don't you think I'd clean my own carpets" day they caught me in a real bad mood and I called the girl on the other end a "dumb bitch" ( I know, that was bad of me)...she hung up...about 5 minutes later, some guy claiming to be the "supervisor" of the telemarketers called me to jump all over me about my rudeness to his employee...I won't even get into to what I said to him...anyway, I asked him (accually told him) to take me off of their call didn't do any good...they still call me at least every other month...

25 years of cleaning carpet
and my back hurts

Posted By: surroundings
Date Posted: 19/February/2005 at 10:29am
Originally posted by MR. STEAMER MR. STEAMER wrote:

Everyone can talk, good advise is real easy to find... but things don't always workout the way we would like them too...

Sh*t.... I forgot about this post....

Hey Mr. Steamer, you're on your own now I take it?

Going well???



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