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idea-good or not

Printed From: Carpet Cleaning Forum
Category: Carpet Cleaners Discussion
Forum Name: Business Marketing Advertising and Promotion Discussion
Forum Description: How do you successfully promote your business? Offer and receive advertising tips
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Topic: idea-good or not
Posted By: Kelly
Subject: idea-good or not
Date Posted: 22/August/2008 at 12:33pm
found a source for some yard signs that would state" another cleaning job done by " My Company Name" and phone number, maybe call for free estimate. Leave this in customers yard a few days after each cleaning. What do you guys think about this. Any feed back would be appreciated.

Kelly Hilliard

Posted By: cmaster
Date Posted: 22/August/2008 at 12:41pm
If it works for roofers, painters and other contractors, why not give it a shotBig%20smile


The STD Meter

Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 22/August/2008 at 4:43pm
Sounds like a good idea.............make sure you get the permission of your customer and be on time to pick your sign up............people can get very impatient and may rip your sign out of their lawn and through it away.......especially when your cleaning job didn't look as great in a few days like it did a few hours after you did the job.  Wow that was a mouth full. Tongue  Good Luck!!

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Posted By: duckcountry
Date Posted: 23/August/2008 at 3:37am
Originally posted by cmaster cmaster wrote:

If it works for roofers, painters and other contractors, why not give it a shotBig%20smile

Pool contractors in SoCal do the same.  But we clean and leave in a couple of hours, those guys are what - a couple of days, weeks, months?

The reason many enjoy having signs in the yard has nothing to do with advertising the nice man's business; it has much to do with saying "hey! look at house is better than yours now - my sh*t don't stink anymore!!" - human nature of keeping up with the Joneses.

Advertising the fact that you just had your carpets cleaned is saying "hey, look at me who does such a lousy job of housekeeping that I had to get my carpet cleaned and sanitized" which amounts to putting a quarantine sign on the house.  Expect to be met with resistance but do share the results.  Not saying it won't work, just try stepping into the psyche of the customer for a moment and see things from their perspective, not from yours.

If I take my clothes to the dry cleaners, do I want a patch sewed onto my garments advertising his service? 

Now, if you sold them beautiful new carpet, that is a renovation worthy of their neighborhood's admiration and something they want to advertise to say "I have the money, I am successful, I am worthy of your admiration, I am to be looked up to".  But cleaning their old carpet, that would equate to my dentist putting a sign on my teeth saying "These teeth made new and fresh by Dr. Dave Schmidt, DDS - 555-1212".  With or without my permission, that is a line no pro would cross.  And if we are doctors of Carpetology we won't either.

Not attacking cmaster who I respect, just referencing his quote because I could see where he was going with the analogy and wanted to use it as a lead in to the SoCal swimming pool craze.

Are you in a high paying business or are you just a self employed low paid grunt who thinks this business provides dignity?

Posted By: Refined
Date Posted: 01/September/2008 at 8:42pm

Also most of those deal with external work that can be seen from the road. I was wondering about this myself so I was looking around and feel that it wouldnt be worth the effort.

I worked in real estate for 2 years and even those signs didnt help get business.
Let me know if it works for you. I am up for new ideas.

-Refined Carpet Cleaning

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