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If you dont post on Craigslist, your missing out!!

Printed From: Carpet Cleaning Forum
Category: Carpet Cleaners Discussion
Forum Name: Business Marketing Advertising and Promotion Discussion
Forum Description: How do you successfully promote your business? Offer and receive advertising tips
Printed Date: 23/January/2025 at 8:33am
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Topic: If you dont post on Craigslist, your missing out!!
Posted By: jaymark1
Subject: If you dont post on Craigslist, your missing out!!
Date Posted: 08/February/2009 at 11:00am

Every single day, I post on craislist, and more then half of all my new business (not talking referrals) comes from craigslist.  I takes me 5 minutes every day, I provide a link to my webpage, I put a picture of myself next to my van, and a short description of myself.  I have only recieved great customers, never been cheated. 

Note* I drive all craigslist ads to my website, i dont think it will work as great if you dont have a great website, if you need help in getting a website, send me a message!
My ads look like below
"Window Cleaning, Carpet Cleaning, Power Washing, Gutter Cleaning"
Hello All,
My name is Jason, owner of Service Knight LLC, I do the above listed services, plus many more.  I started this business after college, and have enjoyed running it daily ever since.  I promise to be on time, to give you a free quote, and to exceed your expectations.  please send me an email, or give me a call with any questions.

I dont predict the future or sell glides, am I allowed on this site?

Posted By: duckcountry
Date Posted: 09/February/2009 at 3:00pm
I take it you have multiple accounts set up at craigslist since they look for duplicity of ads using the same email address and block them.  Even if you have removed an ad, using the same content again for a new ad is blocked.

Are you in a high paying business or are you just a self employed low paid grunt who thinks this business provides dignity?

Posted By: jaymark1
Date Posted: 09/February/2009 at 4:02pm


as long as you switch them around enough, its doesnt matter.  I had three accounts, but learned to switch them around.  Your right, but I have only run into a couple of times where it blocked the ad.
im telling you man, its great though..

I dont predict the future or sell glides, am I allowed on this site?

Posted By: Mark McMaster
Date Posted: 09/February/2009 at 4:12pm
Thanks for sharing Jason.Clap
 I actually use Kijiji. I find it very user freindly and easy to post pics as well.

Have a good one. Mark

Don't take your organs to heaven.....
Heaven knows we need them here -

Posted By: jaymark1
Date Posted: 09/February/2009 at 4:16pm
I will check out kijiji..thanks for the advice man

I dont predict the future or sell glides, am I allowed on this site?

Posted By: Hammy
Date Posted: 09/February/2009 at 4:19pm
I had to laugh at this ad on Kijiji,

Xmas Carpet Cleaning Special

Ad ID: 91934063
  Visits: 55
Address: London, Ontario
Date Listed: 01-Feb-09

3 rooms  $100
2 rooms $75
1 room $50
Couch Sets or stairs count as 1 Room for combos.
Carpet will be damp for approx 2 days
Our chemicals are safe for pets and enviromentally friendly.

Could somebody just clean my carpets!

Posted By: jaymark1
Date Posted: 09/February/2009 at 4:21pm
2 days, that guy is really covering his bases...

I dont predict the future or sell glides, am I allowed on this site?

Posted By: Mark McMaster
Date Posted: 09/February/2009 at 5:06pm
2 days!!!! Is he extracting?! LOL

Don't take your organs to heaven.....
Heaven knows we need them here -

Posted By: jaymark1
Date Posted: 09/February/2009 at 5:29pm
nice site by the way..the only thing is, my popup blocker was blocking some kind of download.  I dont know what it was, might want to look into it
yea, i think he is just spraying water and leaving

I dont predict the future or sell glides, am I allowed on this site?

Posted By: Hammy
Date Posted: 09/February/2009 at 5:34pm
That's what you call a driveby!

Could somebody just clean my carpets!

Posted By: Mark McMaster
Date Posted: 09/February/2009 at 7:48pm
Thanks Jay. Yours as well. BTW, where did you get that Turbo? You don't see those ones around too often.

 I'll look into that blocker as well. Thanks

Don't take your organs to heaven.....
Heaven knows we need them here -

Posted By: Mark McMaster
Date Posted: 09/February/2009 at 7:49pm
Maybe blocking the vid. for you?

Don't take your organs to heaven.....
Heaven knows we need them here -

Posted By: jaymark1
Date Posted: 09/February/2009 at 7:51pm
thats most likly what it asked me to install something(i didnt click ok)  I will and check out your video man..I just rebooted my computer, so I dont have all the Apps downloaded yet..

I dont predict the future or sell glides, am I allowed on this site?

Posted By: luvsnow
Date Posted: 09/February/2009 at 10:01pm
I've had a few hits from Kijiji, so that's definitely worth looking into. Only problem I had with Craigslist is that it seems like most people who call are just price shopping. However I'm sure you will land some decent customers from Craigslist every once in awhile. Doesn't hurt to post on Craigslist or Kijiji seeing how both are free.

Posted By: duckcountry
Date Posted: 10/February/2009 at 1:27am
google's site blocking tool is going crazy and blocking all kinds of sites.

Kijiji is where those who sell pets for big profits (breeders) are going because the craigslist police are shutting down their access.  In the states Dems us craigslist, Republicans use kijiji now.  Or so the trend seems to be heading.

Are you in a high paying business or are you just a self employed low paid grunt who thinks this business provides dignity?

Posted By: luvsnow
Date Posted: 10/February/2009 at 8:37am
Speaking of pets, and not to get off topic, but I've found leaving business cards at pet stores seems to get the phone ringing. Two weeks ago I went into a new local pet store and they had a bulletin boarding hanging so I left some cards. A few days later I started getting calls saying they saw my business card hanging at the pet store.

Posted By: Mark McMaster
Date Posted: 10/February/2009 at 10:42am
hmmmmmmmmm, that's not a bad idea luv. Thanks for sharing

Don't take your organs to heaven.....
Heaven knows we need them here -

Posted By: jaymark1
Date Posted: 13/February/2009 at 9:43am
hey guys
I was wondering, for those who use Kijiji, how you found out about it.
im 25, used a computer non stop during college, and grew up in the generation of computers, and I have never heard of it before...just wondering how you came upon it
I will begin posting on there shortly, and see how it goes

I dont predict the future or sell glides, am I allowed on this site?

Posted By: prouddadx3
Date Posted: 13/February/2009 at 10:03am
I have also used craigslist and it will pop up on Google the next day on page one for that city. Also if you have a new page that you want to get crawled, link your add to the Craigslist coupon and Google will index the page within a few days since they crawl craigslist every day.

------------- - Boulder carpet cleaning Coupons

Posted By: jaymark1
Date Posted: 13/February/2009 at 10:08am
I just read that Kijiji is ebays free online that makes sense..

I dont predict the future or sell glides, am I allowed on this site?

Posted By: duckcountry
Date Posted: 13/February/2009 at 1:53pm
Does your target audience shop by doing its research on the internet or is it the case that the frequency of contacts generated by prospective customers is greater due to your reliance on the internet to generate sales contacts?

Are the people you want to see as customers using the internet or is that where you get so many price shoppers and indoor kennels that waste your time and labor, most of whom are not near future repeat buyers?

Just wondering if you had determined the internet shopper would be your customer by using marketing research surveys performed by you at your expense over several weeks in your target area or did you go with a gut feel?  Not being critical, simply fact finding.

Are you in a high paying business or are you just a self employed low paid grunt who thinks this business provides dignity?

Posted By: duckcountry
Date Posted: 13/February/2009 at 2:05pm
Originally posted by Hammy Hammy wrote:

I had to laugh at this ad on Kijiji,

Xmas Carpet Cleaning Special

Ad ID: 91934063
  Visits: 55
Address: London, Ontario
Date Listed: 01-Feb-09

3 rooms  $100
2 rooms $75
1 room $50
Couch Sets or stairs count as 1 Room for combos.
Carpet will be damp for approx 2 days
Our chemicals are safe for pets and enviromentally friendly.

The title for the ad should have been "Start Your Own Mold Colony Today"

Are you in a high paying business or are you just a self employed low paid grunt who thinks this business provides dignity?

Posted By: aqualityassured
Date Posted: 27/January/2011 at 3:21am
let me give an update on craigslist.  If you are posting a carpet cleaning ad on craigslist. or Kiijii or backpage, ebay, olx it depends on a lot of factors still unknown to me.  I've been trying to get some results from one but not one single call.  I am in a tough market and what I mean by that is economy (like us all) and location. Try cleaning carpets in atlanta.  It's like a circus. Everyone's running around chasing everyone instead of collaborating and dividing a market share.  I don't know that's my little piece.  Craigslist probably works better in a market that not over saturated.

_________"We Know How To Clean!" - Cleaning Services Atlanta - Carpet Cleaners Atlanta

Posted By: aqualityassured
Date Posted: 27/January/2011 at 3:23am
Originally posted by prouddadx3 prouddadx3 wrote:

I have also used craigslist and it will pop up on Google the next day on page one for that city. Also if you have a new page that you want to get crawled, link your add to the Craigslist coupon and Google will index the page within a few days since they crawl craigslist every day.

Btw prouddad.  I will try this method I saw someone's ad like this before on the first page.  The question is how long does it stay on the first page?

_________"We Know How To Clean!" - Cleaning Services Atlanta - Carpet Cleaners Atlanta

Posted By: jaymark1
Date Posted: 27/January/2011 at 9:06am
I was the one who posted and have since reduced my posting to once or twice a week just to keep my name there.  I look at the posts and you are right, there are some companies posting times a day.
I have have a large enough customer base I just use vistaprint and mail out monthly post cards.  This plus Google adwords and google local business it keeps me busy.
Though if the snow doesnt let up in Philadelphia I might go broke, just kidding but this endless snow and sub freezing weather is causing everyone to wait until spring. 

I dont predict the future or sell glides, am I allowed on this site?

Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 27/January/2011 at 3:11pm
Looks like 15" hittin ya today jaymark! Confused I use Google adwords year round.
Maybe get a plow for your Van..LOL! Approve

Posted By: puppup
Date Posted: 28/February/2011 at 2:28pm
That is a great idea that I actually never really thought about when it comes to marketing my business! The only question I have, as someone that has surfed Craigslist quite a few times, how do you make yourself credible? Often I find myself on the site questioning if the listings are worth looking in to because there are so many scam posts on there. I wouldn't want that to make my business look bad amongst some of the fakes.

Posted By: dmreed4311
Date Posted: 14/May/2011 at 5:55pm
Craigs list is one area of marketing that I need to focus on. people seem to have good sucsess if it is done right. I tried it once but my add quickly sank out of sight with all the constant reposts.

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Carpet Doctor inc.
10903 Brucehaven Dr.
Riverview Fl 33578

Posted By: disasterseo
Date Posted: 12/October/2011 at 2:06pm
I have to admit, I discounted this at first too. I don't have a water damage restoration or carpet cleaning company, but I am a marketing company for those types of clients. I wrote off Craigslist even in my own business, however, I do get reaches and sales from Craigslist, so re-implemented it. It still isn't my most successful place to get business, but it is good enough that we do have it implemented into our company's promotion. I am sure everyone wouldn't mind an extra sale here or there. You're welcome for the plug Craigslist. 

Posted By: Mrs. Speedy
Date Posted: 08/April/2012 at 10:31am
We use Craigslist everyday and Backpages every week. We've had major success with our ads, even though Craigslist is mainly price shoppers. Must of our customers off of Craiglist are renters, buyers or sellers. Rarely do we get customers from Craigslist that just want their carpets cleaned. We did get our largest client off of Craigslist, the CEO of a Property Management company. He refers us to other large businesses and in turn he receives huge discounts on his rental properties.
I know a lot of people think Craigslist isn't for them, and that is fine. Having a professional design Ad on Craigslist that links back to your web site is key. Many of the clients that use our forum come from Craigslist. And we get their e-mail and phone number to call and do a follow ups. We also send them monthly newsletters via e-mail. Repeat clients from Craigslist is small however, the referrals we receive are quite large. PLUS Craigslist is Free. And you can't beat Free

Posted By: phigs89
Date Posted: 24/April/2012 at 6:32pm
I'm looking for an affordable website for my new business.

Posted By: Mrs. Speedy
Date Posted: 25/April/2012 at 10:54am
Another thing I forgot to ad was try your best not to post a price per room on Craigslist. Below are our examples of Craigslist Ad/Flyers - -

Posted By: Lars
Date Posted: 12/May/2012 at 11:58pm
Thanks for the Tip! I will try it

Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 15/May/2012 at 12:35pm
Nice ads Mrs Speedy. You have some talent. Can you hook me up?

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