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Using SEO for your cleaning business

Printed From: Carpet Cleaning Forum
Category: Carpet Cleaners Discussion
Forum Name: Business Marketing Advertising and Promotion Discussion
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Topic: Using SEO for your cleaning business
Posted By: James21
Subject: Using SEO for your cleaning business
Date Posted: 05/August/2009 at 3:39pm
With my commercial and residential cleaning company, we recently decided to focus most of our marketing efforts on the Internet.  Seeing as how yellow pages are dying, and most people use Google to search for goods and services, we saw SEO and Internet marketing as our best fit.  The goal is to get our website onto the first page of Google for certain targeted keywords which our target market is searching for.  It has been great so far, and I really recommend looking into SEO and Internet Marketing for the benefit of your company.

Posted By: 22Clean
Date Posted: 06/August/2009 at 3:41pm
Great idea.  I also practice SEO techniques for my own business.  Get ranked for "carpet cleaning" + "your city" is a great way to get free advertising!

------------- - San Diego Carpet Cleaning | - Tile Cleaning San Diego

Posted By: MattsPristinePW
Date Posted: 09/October/2009 at 9:38am
I agree I used that for my pressure washing business this summer and it brought me a great deal of business.

Matt's Pristine Cleaning
Competitive Prices, Quality Services

Posted By: Soil Lint Green
Date Posted: 09/October/2009 at 10:57am
How is your referral and repeat business doing?  Have you been in business long enough and delivered a high enough service to trigger either?

It's ORY GUN, not OR A GONE. Learn to talk.

Posted By: Soil Lint Green
Date Posted: 10/October/2009 at 12:01am
With newspapers dying out, at least 12 major mags hitting the skids this year, focusing on yellow page ads seems to make no sense to me anymore.  The internet is so congested with crap sites that searches generally produce other search pages as the top results.  I hate to say it but it really looks like the internet has been making it harder to do business by killing its competition which at one time provided reliable answers and replacing it with senseless babble. 

What say you to this thought?

It's ORY GUN, not OR A GONE. Learn to talk.

Posted By: alanAustin
Date Posted: 17/December/2009 at 10:51am
yeah, that's interesting Soil Lint Green,
Seems like it's becoming more difficult to 'cut through the clutter' as they say in marketing lingo. 

Posted By: kostajm
Date Posted: 09/March/2010 at 12:16pm
Hi and how did it go since then? Did you use SEO company or smth else?
If you have reliable SEO specialist with reasonable rates I w'd really appreciate if you PM me contact info.

Thanks and best regards,

Posted By: stagman
Date Posted: 23/March/2010 at 8:07pm
SEO is a very expensive service (if done properly) - the reason being it is extremely time consuming.

Do a bit of research, if you can't afford to pay for it like most of us, DIY....set aside a few hours a week (yes I know there's few of them as it is!) and you'll be ok...provides a lot of business and in these days sadly it is becoming more and more competitive! 

------------- - Stag Cleaning Services - Hitchin, Hertfordshire, domestic or commercial

Posted By: kostajm
Date Posted: 23/March/2010 at 8:51pm
Thanks, I hired one guy, he promised to hit the first page in one month, we'll see.

Thanks and best regards,

Posted By: JCarpet33
Date Posted: 03/April/2010 at 6:24am
Be careful with SEO guys that make promises about how fast or how high they can rank you. Unless their best friend is an exec at Google they are just shooting in the dark like everyone else. The secret to high rankings is build lots of pages and lots of links.

Type Missoula Carpet Cleaning into Google and see who comes up first. That's my site.

Also notice that a high ranking site isn't enough to generate calls. You also need a professional site with a "Call to Action"

Posted By: kostajm
Date Posted: 04/April/2010 at 12:25pm
In one week he moved my site from page 10 to page 3, google has ranked it within 1.5 month since published

Thanks and best regards,

Posted By: greenclean_adam
Date Posted: 07/April/2010 at 5:27am
the great thing about carpet cleaning is that it's still fairly untapped online so fairly easy to jump up the ranks with little effort. just make sure what you're doing is legit and doesn't seem spammy. if you find yourself doing something you think would google actually agree with this if they knew exactly what i was doing, then don't. increasing youre seo isn't rocket science, it's fact it's extremely easy if you keep looking at what it is you're doing and thinking if it seems spammy or not :)

------------- - Cleaning Guildford - Carpet Cleaning Guildford

Posted By: janderson1017
Date Posted: 23/April/2010 at 2:37pm
Hi my name is JJ.  My company does SEO at a world class level at a Wal-Mart price.  I am not here to solicit business...but rather looking for advice.  A few of my clients are carpet cleaners and I supply them with a lot of customer calls a month.  As such over the last month I have focused on finding carpet cleaners in various markets.  The trouble I am finding is that I can't communicate on a common level with any of these folks.  They are all very respectful and nice.  They all tell me they cold use more business.  They even tell me my price is fine.  Somewhere between all of that and the point where I ask if they are interested I lose them.  My business partner, who is a tad snobbish, says I am just talking to rednecks with vacuums.  He insists the disconnect is that I am dealing with folks who are stuck in a now ancient frame of mind where it pertains to advertising.  I don't feel this way as I come from a background that has taught me to respect everyone.  Am I just barking up the wrong tree in trying to get carpet cleaners as a prominent portion of my client list?  Is there a better approach for me to take in order to get these folks to commit? The obvious first thing I thought of was that I am a crappy salesman.  I dismissed that as I know I do my job well and I believe in my product.  My second thought was that carpet cleaners just don't advertise.  I dismissed that as I know carpet cleaners are out there and all of their business can't be word of mouth.  Then I thought they don't care about advertising solicitation calls because there is simply no competition and advertising is seen as a take it or leave it option.  This thought was dismissed as I walked into the supermarket yesterday I saw three steam cleaners for rent right up front of the store.  Those things seemingly rent themselves.  That must be frustrating!   So I sit here dumbfounded as to what I am doing or saying wrong.  I thank you for taking the time to read this and for any comments you may have.

JJ Anderson
Prospect Genius
(518) 708 6024

Posted By: LArugcleaning
Date Posted: 14/July/2010 at 9:43pm
Hi Guys,

Planning for SEO is not a bad idea at all if you are just communicating to people who are really liable. OR you can do it by your own. Its just a simple time. If you have a less time to manage your site then go For SEO.
Business is a risk. and if you don't like the result you can back out anytime.

Posted By: kostajm
Date Posted: 14/July/2010 at 11:15pm
Hi JJ, can we talk about SEO? Please PM me your email.

Thanks and best regards,

Posted By: danieljackson
Date Posted: 10/August/2010 at 1:26am
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a specialized process that involves analyzing your website's underlying code, architecture, visible content, and link popularity and making enhancements so that the site is returned more prominently in the search results of relevancy-based, algorithm-driven search engines (such as Google, Yahoo! and MSN). The best way to develop a sound search engine optimization strategy is to work with an experience search engine optimization (SEO) firm.
Want to get-on Google's first page and loads of traffic to your website? Hire a SEO Specialist. -

Posted By: cleanway
Date Posted: 10/August/2010 at 6:02am
there i likd the point cited by one of the users. Getting a high ranking in the search results is not the end of all. The click thru rate is also important. If you have a poor title tag there is no point even if you manage to be on spot 1. As for any business including commercial cleaning, the post landing behaviour of the visitor is also important or else you will end up with a high exit or bounce rate.

Posted By: Soil Lint Green
Date Posted: 11/August/2010 at 1:18am
you are right.  how long they stay, where they go on the site and exit point are important too although most don't understand how important those stat reports are.  and confusing bots with potential customers is a big mistake.  hits vs visitors is also a misleading indicator.

It's ORY GUN, not OR A GONE. Learn to talk.

Posted By: lewcrippen12
Date Posted: 12/August/2010 at 8:38am

Ya i know it's true.........I agree with ur opinion as only this services r make ur site popular rather seo services r being useful everyday as every organization doing outsource seo services even it's essential part of business popularity.


Posted By: Ken Harris
Date Posted: 12/August/2010 at 2:13pm
My site is up 2300% these last 3 months because of it.Smile

Inventor of Teflon Carpet Wand Glides.Free Glides for all Cleaners in June!

Posted By: greenclean_adam
Date Posted: 12/August/2010 at 4:00pm
Originally posted by Ken Harris Ken Harris wrote:

My site is up 2300% these last 3 months because of it.Smile

that's great news ken. have you had any more work from it though that's the question? a site that ranks well doesn't mean it'll get any more business then one that doesn't

------------- - Cleaning Guildford - Carpet Cleaning Guildford

Posted By: sansoftonline01
Date Posted: 09/September/2010 at 8:45am
Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO, is the art and science of making web pages attractive to the search engines.

The better optimized the page is, the higher a ranking it will achieve in search engine result listings. This is especially critical because most people who use search engines only look at the first page or two of the search results, so for a page to get high traffic from a search engine, it has to be listed in those first two pages.

So search engine optimization focuses on techniques such as making sure that each web page has appropriate title tags and meta tags, and that the keyword or key phrases for the page are distributed throughout the content in a way that the particular search engine will like.

Posted By: restoration365
Date Posted: 20/October/2010 at 10:13am
We used a SEO guy we got from - working out well so far. I'm new to reading forums and am just now realizing what I am missing. 

Restoration 365 of Florida
24 Hour Service - Water Damage Restoration

Posted By: greenclean_adam
Date Posted: 20/October/2010 at 11:39am
forums are a great way to share experience and information. just remember to regularly post back if you can to help others out so that the boards continue to live and help others.

------------- - Cleaning Guildford - Carpet Cleaning Guildford

Posted By: duckcountry
Date Posted: 20/October/2010 at 8:32pm
Clean responsibly --- clean green!

Are you in a high paying business or are you just a self employed low paid grunt who thinks this business provides dignity?

Posted By: vacman2000
Date Posted: 28/December/2010 at 6:37am
Originally posted by greenclean_adam greenclean_adam wrote:

the great thing about carpet cleaning is that it's still fairly untapped online so fairly easy to jump up the ranks with little effort. just make sure what you're doing is legit and doesn't seem spammy. if you find yourself doing something you think would google actually agree with this if they knew exactly what i was doing, then don't. increasing youre seo isn't rocket science, it's fact it's extremely easy if you keep looking at what it is you're doing and thinking if it seems spammy or not :)

I agree with you Greencleen, but we shouldnt really shout it as local competitors  are going to be harder to beat.
I am ranked for some sites number 1 in organic and google local. Local google is going to be the big thing soon, as there are sometimes only 1 or 2 spots above the google local so if you are in 3rd position infact you are almost at the bottom of some pages.

------------- - Carpet Cleaning London - Carpet Cleaning - Leaflet Distribution London

Posted By: vacman2000
Date Posted: 28/December/2010 at 6:41am
Thats the cheap part of seo and can be changed over night and wait for it to be re indexed

------------- - Carpet Cleaning London - Carpet Cleaning - Leaflet Distribution London

Posted By: westcovina
Date Posted: 09/January/2011 at 3:33pm
Optimizing your site can take a lot of time and effort. Plus you need to be patient to see the results.

------------- -

Posted By: QPCS
Date Posted: 16/January/2011 at 6:43am
SEO, can be very effective. I also highly regard online marketing.

We put the sparkle back into your property with our superior hard surface pressure cleaning procedures.... - Pressure Cleaning Sydney

Posted By: greenclean_adam
Date Posted: 16/January/2011 at 6:53am
got any tips on what online marketing you do QPCS? i've run dry lately can't think of much else to do.

------------- - Cleaning Guildford - Carpet Cleaning Guildford

Posted By: CDRX
Date Posted: 30/March/2011 at 4:34pm
Since this thread began in '09 I think the Yellowpages have died.  Unless your target market is senior citizens you have to be found online and the bigger the city the bigger the dogfight to get your site ranked higher.
Yellowpages were nice in a way that you could just place an ad and forget it for a year, now you have to be constantly working on SEO so you don't drop to the second page of Google search results.

------------- - carpet cleaning bellevue - carpet cleaning redmond

Posted By: Newcastle CleaningCo
Date Posted: 03/April/2011 at 10:42am
SEO marketing is Great if you know how to do it as is all other marketing techniques including autoresponders, email, leaflet drops, magazine articles, PPC, blogs, forums, social media, etc. With regards SEO there are loads of aspects to this including loads of research.
Good Luck
Ash, Newcastle Cleaning Company

Ash, Newcastle Cleaning Company

Posted By: greenclean_adam
Date Posted: 03/April/2011 at 12:14pm
yeah you're right. mixed with other areas seo is a powerful aspect to all websites and should not be over looked for any carpet cleaning company.

Posted By: thesteammaster
Date Posted: 11/May/2011 at 1:46am
I am definitely new to the seo world. I know if you type in carpet cleaning in the area I live my site comes up via the free directories. Been tweaking my site for different keywords and proper placement etc. I serve so many area's in my state and its hard when I create new pages for my service area's to list those services for that area and come up with new content. I made my website about a year ago I just needed something up to show what I offer and at the time I really didn't grasp the seo concept but man is it hard lol. Still learning and tweaking

------------- - Carpet Cleaning Massachusetts

Posted By: Newcastle CleaningCo
Date Posted: 11/May/2011 at 4:11am

SEO is very daunting and does require knowledge although, once you have the basics you will be 90% ahead of your competitors.
Good Luck
Ash, Newcastle Cleaning Company -
Newcastle Cleaning Company - Newcastle Cleaners

Ash, Newcastle Cleaning Company

Posted By: greenclean_adam
Date Posted: 11/May/2011 at 6:28am
thanks for the kind words for our carpet cleaning business.

Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 11/May/2011 at 12:36pm
Hey guys ck this out: -
You can look up yours or other sites and find out your status on SEO scores.

Posted By: kostajm
Date Posted: 11/May/2011 at 1:21pm
For checking your SERP position on Google I usually use
Very fast and helpful.

Thanks and best regards,

Posted By: XtremeClean
Date Posted: 11/May/2011 at 4:19pm
One of the biggest things to do with Google in recent times is Google Maps/Places.  I've been working at getting my business listed in the top 7 results that come up for many of the search phrases describing my company locally.  The beauty of Google Maps is it shows up on page one.  So if you try different search phrases (such as "your city carpet cleaning"), you'll be able to find out which phrases people might search to find a company like yours that actually have a so-called '7-box' or a '3-box' (ie - the Google Maps search results for that search phrase.  Some show 7 results, others only 3).  Once you find out which search phrases you're targeting, submit your business info to Google Places.  Try to be discrete when you use keywords or Google won't like it, resulting in your Place being penalized and relegated to the Maps page 2 or 3, where nobody will find it.  A Google Place is easy and free to setup, and well worth the time.  You'll have to wait a few weeks for Google to send you a postcard with the activation code once you do set it up. 
- Add as many pictures and videos as Google allows on your Place page.  This will, in theory, help with it's ranking. 
- Make sure you use your actual real life business name in the info.  DO NOT add keywords to your business name that aren't already part of it, especially not your city name.  If you do, your Google Place page will be sure to end up where nobody will find it. 
The Google algorithms are very smart.  Don't try to outsmart them.  You'll fail.

I hope this explanation made sense.  If not, feel free to ask for clarification.
All the best with it!

------------- - Xtreme Clean - Carpet and Furniture Cleaning


"Picky, picky, picky. That's how we like our customers!"

Posted By: John L
Date Posted: 07/September/2011 at 9:26pm
Good info XC! Big smile 

Posted By: dmaxxter
Date Posted: 11/September/2011 at 1:19am
I've been trying to use SEO for the past month for my father's business, and it's slow & tough.  I'm just afraid that since the site doesn't have many pages that the google webcrawlers wont index it properly.

Should I list every city that we do on a page so google crawls those keywords?  I know that blanketing keyword text can get you in trouble, so, I don't want to go too far.

------------- -

Serving the western Inland Empire, greater Los Angeles, and Orange county California since 1989.

Posted By: CantSeeMyToes
Date Posted: 14/September/2011 at 3:25pm
SEO is not an instant thing. Changes today could take months or longer to see the results. You are at the mercy of the search engines. If you want some good info take a look at SEO trining book. Worth the money.
If you used to pay for a Yellowpages add why not try a year of putting that money into a site and SEO from a professional?

Posted By: disasterseo
Date Posted: 12/October/2011 at 1:55pm
Originally posted by Soil Lint Green Soil Lint Green wrote:

With newspapers dying out, at least 12 major mags hitting the skids this year, focusing on yellow page ads seems to make no sense to me anymore.  The internet is so congested with crap sites that searches generally produce other search pages as the top results.  I hate to say it but it really looks like the internet has been making it harder to do business by killing its competition which at one time provided reliable answers and replacing it with senseless babble. 

What say you to this thought?

I can understand this. I run an internet marketing company and do know there is a lot of garbage sites our there. As we speak, Google is rooting them out and making the search engines a nicer and cleaner place to look. The "quick" but frowned upon methods of SEO are also being rooting our, a lot of them no longer working at all. The industry keeps on moving towards good, honest SEO with approved and smiled upon technique. With that being said, I also relate SEO to being in the phonebooks back in the old days. If you weren't in there, you didn't exist. Now, if you aren't ranking in the search engines, you don't exist. Also, you need to find someone who specializes in marketing to your industry- not just some techno people. A lot of internet marketers, unfortunately, are not the best most honest business people you will find. Don't hire them if you don't get the warm and fuzzy. They probably won't deliver to your needs. You still need real marketing people who specialize in water or mold remediation, or how else are they really going to know how to generate a looker conversion into a phone call? Testament to this is that my company took a water damage restoration client of ours from nothing to 10k in a month and 20k the following month from their online sales. Not bad considering they had zero before. SEO still works, but you need the people who do it right and well and also specialize in your industry. Takes a bit more looking to find that company, but when you do it is worth it. 

Posted By: CDRX
Date Posted: 12/October/2011 at 9:59pm
It does seem that the internet is the future for most advertising.

------------- - carpet cleaning bellevue - carpet cleaning redmond

Posted By: duckcountry
Date Posted: 13/March/2012 at 7:22pm
Got a call from 3052206000, caller ID SEO Exp Marketing.  Found several aliases for them.  The are in Miami, claiming to be in the penthouse and use a Los Angeles address which turns out to be a VIRTUAL office offering mail and phone service.  Their address in New York is also a virtual address for several companies in a variety of fields.  AND they are a former ice company which more that qualifies them for the SEO business, right?  Three spanish names come up as owners, Angie and Armando Martinez as well as a non-related gentleman by the name of Raul Montjo.

A review on reads "Extremely unprofessional. The only thing they care about is getting your money, once they do you wont hear from them until they are ready to start working on your project. I actually caught them lying to me saying they were link building and doing basic seo. Oh and by the way they charge more than almost every other seo company. You are better off outsourcing your work to India, it will be cheaper and you will get the same results. "

I found complaints on the BBS site that are related to advertising and sales issues, billing and collection issues and service related issues.  Be on alert, they are calling at this time to drum up business.

Are you in a high paying business or are you just a self employed low paid grunt who thinks this business provides dignity?

Posted By: duckcountry
Date Posted: 13/March/2012 at 7:26pm
Quote that my company took a water damage restoration client of ours from nothing to 10k in a month and 20k the following month from their online sales.
Are you a one hit wonder or month to month what are his online sales like? What are the relative increase and decrease percentage for November, December, January and February?  I would like to verify these numbers with you client so you will want to provide the client's name and contact info.

Are you in a high paying business or are you just a self employed low paid grunt who thinks this business provides dignity?

Posted By: Superior Restoration
Date Posted: 07/November/2012 at 2:26pm
SEO is definitely the way to go nowadays.

Posted By: mfc6629
Date Posted: 17/September/2013 at 7:02pm
Im considering using a seo company called Yodle. Anybody have any experience with these guys as they atre touted as one of the largest in the industry. HELP

Posted By: Adwa
Date Posted: 26/September/2013 at 6:05pm
I searched some of the sites regarding Yodle.  I guess the only advice I can give is do your homework.  Check this site out.

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Posted By: r.morrissey
Date Posted: 12/May/2016 at 9:09pm
Just be careful with some SEO companies. Some of them will just blast keywords all over your website which makes it look unnatural and spammy in Google's eyes. That kind of "SEO" will hurt your site in the long run and cause it to loose rankings.

Just getting basic keywords on your site and making it look natural is a great way to starts. I've been doing my own research and implementing it on my business site I'm building up now.

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