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Customer Leads

Printed From: Carpet Cleaning Forum
Category: Carpet Cleaners Discussion
Forum Name: Business Marketing Advertising and Promotion Discussion
Forum Description: How do you successfully promote your business? Offer and receive advertising tips
Printed Date: 06/February/2025 at 3:31pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.06 -

Topic: Customer Leads
Posted By: janderson1017
Subject: Customer Leads
Date Posted: 15/April/2010 at 11:53am
Hello Everyone,

My name is JJ and my company is Prospect Genius.  We practice SEO or search engine optimization for small businesses.  Our focus is on bringing quality, local customers to small businesses.  I have seen that many people on this forum discuss this.  First let me say that my best customers are carpet cleaners.  We supply anywhere from twenty to fifty quality leads per month for our carpet cleaners.  So what does this mean?  It means that our program generates that many customers to our clients.  These are not people who are tire kickers...these are people who want/need your service and are calling to have you sell them on your service.  Many of you on this forum speak of the importance of being on the first page of Google or any other search engine.  This is mostly true!  We will get you prominent placement on all major search engines.  However, where we differ from others is that we actually convert lookers to callers.  We do this at a low, flat monthly fee.  We do not cap your leads...and more importantly we do not share your leads like many of our competitors do.  I could go on and on about what we do and how we do it.  I would rather share a story with you.  A few years ago I ran a very profitable mortgage brokerage.  First I thought I could do all my own marketing...I couldn't.  Then I listened to pitch after pitch from lead generators, and ultimately spent thousands and thousands of dollars on leads.  Some were good and some were awful.  Then I sat with the owner of the company I now work for.  He had just developed this company and told me how different he was from all the others.  The fee was low so I gave him a shot.  Turns out I was getting a lot of quality leads...I felt like I was stealing his services.  Tragically the economy went into the toilet and it was time to shut my business.  That is when I called the owner of Prospect Genius and asked for a job.  I was hired on the spot.  I truly believe in my product because I have experienced it working for me.  I am sorry to ramble on.  I also apologize to those of you who may be offended that I tried to enter your world with and infomercial.  I assure you this is not an infomercial.  I am simply looking to develop partnerships to provide quality, local leads to this industry.  I look forward to any comments and questions.  Thanks for your time!!!

JJ Anderson
Prospect Genius
(518) 708 6024

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